Messages: 2733
That is probably the best HISHE video I've ever watched!
Messages: 2733
That is probably the best HISHE video I've ever watched!
Messages: 5964
If someone spoils part of Force Awakens for me:
Sadly I haven't figured out how to choke people over the internet, or I would.
Wil Wheaton says: Don't be a dick.
Messages: 1638
Hint: To avoid spoilers, avoid twitch.tv
Just joined to forsen, seen the wall of text in chat… while not seeing anything related to Star Wars, I immediately recognized the danger of unbound fans and closed it.
Messages: 5964
I… Have a problem. Tomorrow I gotta work and one of my co-workers has seen it yesterday. He's not good with keeping things to himself. :/
But don't worry. After I've seem it tomorrow, my lips are sealed and my words be hidden.
Messages: 2733
Keep your promise, Heather. Alright, nobody shall post spoilers here, not just Star Wars, without putting them inside the Spoiler box. Understood?
Messages: 5964
Problem I feared already started. Was talking about that Threepio pic of Deliver Us the Moon with my boss. Co-worker thought we were talking about Force Awakens and said: ''What did you think of that cheeky scene in VII where…?''
Messages: 2733
Just seen the movie tonight. Spectacular! It was worth the hype.
Messages: 168
just seen the movie, to be honest it was really good of disney, it was great and it really fits with the story
Messages: 5964
Hmm.. disappointed? Yes. In the entire movie? No.
It's almost midnight, so I won't post my story yet. But I will,soon.
I got the Stormtrooper 3D glasses though!
Messages: 2733
I'm guessing you're disappointed because of (WARNING: actual SW spoiler ahead)
Phasma didn't do much role in the movie
Messages: 5964
I'm guessing you're disappointed because of (WARNING: actual SW spoiler ahead)Phasma didn't do much role in the movie
No, not ever that. I was well prepared for that. Wait, Ill just grab my laptop. Now that its still fresh. And I feel like talking about this movie some more ^^
Messages: 2733
Another thing I like about the new movie is Yayan Ruhian, an Indonesian actor, played as Tasu Leech!
Messages: 5964
Alright, here goes.
The Good
Those same. Damn. Noices.
They were all there! From TIE-Fighters to the lasers of X-Wings. It totally sounded like Star Wars! I especially loved the scenes where Kylo Ren uses the Force, you heard this beatifull base filled buffer. Definitely a great new sound. The new Lightsaber effect on Ren was pretty sweet too!
Why if it isn’t another Death Star
I’ve but this with ‘the bad’ too. But there was a part of it I rather liked. Complain all you want about physics, but draining a sun and redirecting it’s power to destoy not one, but multiple planets… that’s pretty freaking cool.
Behold the wise Deku Tree
One of the character I didn’t expect to see was Maz Kanata (am I saying that right?). She’s a great addition and certainly one of my new favorite characters within the universe. Loved her design and the MoCap for her face. Definitely hope to see more of her, great character.
Haha! Comedy…
I love the slapstick humor in this film! What stuck in my mind is how Finn holds on to Rey’s hand while she yells: ‘’You don’t have to hold my hand to run!’’. And when they paused I though: ‘’It would be so funny if Finn grabbed her hand again’’. As if the moie read my thoughts Finn did just that and Rey said, perfectly ensync with thoughts: ‘’Stop taking my hand!’’. This movie made me smirk all the time!
Sausage fest
One of the things this movie did encredibly well, is implementing more female character. Without feeling like it was forced to do so. Simply to please the femnist community. We have Phasma, obviously. But I’d like to point out Rey. She truly is the lead in this film and I rather like her. She may not be quite Mara Jade, but it’ll do. I also love how one of the minor Stormtroopers had a female voice. ‘Twas a nice touch after hearing male voices all this time.
The Bad
Who the hell is Captain Phasma?
Like I said. I was well prepared for her amount of screen time. They compared her to Boba Fett, so I was already surprised by the amount of time she was in the movie. And each second was glorious. She didn't do anything other than standing around and being awesome, but I didn't expect her to do much more than that… yet. I expected her to be a cold blooded duty first kind of character. Someone who, like Vader, would sacrifise troops for the greater good. But… neither of those things really came floating above the still waters that were Cpt. Phasma. Not until it was decided to shamelessly ''kill'' her off-screen. She came down the hallway, being cool and all. When suddeny she;s held at gunpoint. Okay, that was a bit easy. Then Han and Finn force her to shut of the shields. Okay. At this point I expected her to say something like: ''You underestimate me'' and instead of turning off the shields, she'd call her troops. Yet… she didn't. She wanted to save her own life by turning the shields off for Han and Finn. Then they decide to throw her in the garbage chute and supposedly kill her off-screen. That was the moment I figured 'This is going to make me dissapointed in this movie, isn't it?''
It comes down to the fact that the sole reasion I was hyped for the movie was butchered. Not because of screentime, but because of her shameless uselessness. She's supposed to be an intimidating villian! Reese confirmed she's returning in VII. But I didn't know that until I my friend told me after the staff roll. I really thought thet just killed of my favorite character in a way ever worse than Meetra Surik in Revan. Which was already really REALLY bad.
Even with all that, Phasma is still one of my greatest characters. I'm just going to ignore her earlier actions, perhaps she's got some tricks up her sleeves. Is it a bad thing I hope she kills Finn?
Been there. Done that.
Why another huge circular planet destorying monstrosity. Incredulous! And it has a weakpoint that will destory the entire thing, how convenient! Oh. And a Captain who forgets that she’s supposed to be a leader and turns the shields off for you. Hurrah.
I’m sorry I’m confused
Oh hi Jacen, nice to see you here. Oh wait.. you’re Ben now. But Ben is Skywalkers son.. so? Eh? I know that Force Awakens spawns a different timeline, but really? This story has already been told. Han and Leia Solo have twins. The boy, Jacen, becomes a Sith. I’m guessing Kylo Ren is supposed to be the Disney canon’s version of Jacen… but they named him Ben. As in Ben Skywalker. Except Ren is Ben Solo and…. I don’t freaking follow anymore.
Run, Ren. Run!
So Ren is supposed to be the new bad@$$, yes? I expected him to be an awesome Vader-fanboy. Hunting for power like a good Sith. But.. nah. He’s kind of a p***y. I mean, really? A man trained by… ‘Shale the Promotious Engineer Look-Alike’. He fights Finn and Rey in Lightsaber combat and… looses? Neither of them ever held a Lightsaber and yet Ren seems to be beaten. He should have been able to destroy them in mere seconds!
Expect the unexpected
Well, one of them was gonna go? But so soon? I’m pretty sure we all know that Chewie in the Lucas Canon isn’t breathing no longer. So I did expect the Disney Canon to flip it. It was predictable. Too simple. And while it happened I didn’t cry (which I usually do these kinds of moments). Mostly becaue I’m enjoying The Thrawn Trilogy. Which will always be my true canon. Where mister Solo is still breathing. So… any reason beyond developing Ren’s character to kill him off like that? Maybe they’re affraid Ford will pass before the new trilogy is over. Should’ve waited for the last movie though.
My final rating for this movie, is a Mass Effect 3 ending out of 10. It's starts out great and has huge potential. But in the last few minutes, they manage to screw it up with a mountain of small inconveniences. And they actually leave a bad aftertaste to a movie you really want to be able to love! So I agree with my co-workers. If you want numbers.
And now we wait for Rogue One! Also got those sweet Stormtrooper 3D-glasses! Didn't expect them to be sold in The Netherlands!
Messages: 2733
Yeah, I'm also quite disappointed with the ending. Luke, why do you just stand there, not saying anything?
I watched the movie open-minded, and didn't expect too much. So, I still enjoy it, and I can say that it is a great movie.