Thread: Pros and cons, hopes and worries

Feel free to add to this list.
The new voice actors, a return to old school R&C, updated plot and graphics.
New Drek design, it's delayed until 2016.
A return to full length R&C games with the main gameplay type, games will return or alternate between remake and the future plot after this.
It could change the plot too much, there could be plot holes, conflict between remake and original canon.

Still, no matter what happens, it will still be good, and nothing will be lost from the series anyway.

okay, let's try this

****ed if I know!
Kevin Michael Richardson won't be voicing Drek
the game tie in might be a descent length
It will probably end up utterly rubbish

Yes, I have a somewhat negative outlook on the movie/game so far. That's because they have yet to convince me that this whole endevour will be worthwhile in the end… emoji


  • I let a lot of things slide with the new games, so seeing as how this is supposedly more true to the original formula than before I see no reason to be let down.


  • The game and movie will be coming out later than I expected. I will not be able to get them for Christmas this year or next, therefore I will need to buy them myself, and that will be one less idea for Christmas presents.


  • That it is a full-length game.
  • That is follows the formula we have come to love about most of the games before All 4 One.
  • That the new voice actors do a great job.


  • That it will not live up to my expectations.

Insomniac are on board

The new characters seem somewhat of a pointless addition (although I could be wrong)

Nefarious' role will make sense

Drek's new voice might not sound enough like the original Drek

Pros: Looks, feels, and sounds like the Ratchet and Clank games. Drek and Nefarious are the two main villians. Clank and Qwark look awesome.

Cons: TJ fixman wrote the script, movie got postponed.

Worries: Clank won't get his allotted screen time. Qwark will.

Hopes: Ratchet names Clank, Drek dies, Qwark turns evil for a bit, and the Plumber cameos.

I think Nefarious' role in the reboot would be that he is commanding the amoeboid invasion of Blackwater city. He will probably be in his pre robot form like in the vid comics.

First, it's not a reboot.
Second, he is Drek's scientist on the Deplanitizer.

Hopes: Ratchet names Clank, Drek dies, Qwark turns evil for a bit, and the Plumber cameos.

emoji I've had enough of animated movies in which the main antagonist survives, and also Qwark should turn evil for sometime, more than just a bit. I don't like him much, so I wouldn't mind if he turns evil.