I completed R&C3 without dying once including all the arena challenges and sewer crystals. The key is to dodge the attacks. I know this is probably the wrong place, but I just need to brag!

Bonne chance Gégé! :p
Messages: 995
Was it in Challenge Mode or in Normal Mode?

Is it awesome here, or is it just me?
Messages: 3875
I'll bet it was normal mode, otherwise it wouldn't be worth posting about.
Anyway, well done. It's a fairly great achievement. Did you find yourself having to restart much?
Yeah it was normal mode. I had to restart a ranger mission that was glitched and didn't end.

Is it awesome here, or is it just me?
Messages: 3875
That must have felt bad. Oh well, I wouldn't count it.
Deleted user

Yeah it was normal mode. I had to restart a ranger mission that was glitched and didn't end.
This happened to me, I fixed it by going backwards in the level. It seems like there are certain trigger points that can be skipped if you rush past them.
The mission was the kill the thyrranoids in the towers in Metropolis. I killed them all and it didn't end. Second time worked properly.

Is it awesome here, or is it just me?
Messages: 3875
That is a hell of a necro-bump!
Even though I should add to a topic that is over a year old, but that ranger mission can bug out, because it actually doesn't show some enemies on the map, and to (sort of) fix this issue the developers seem to have made it so that you can complete the mission with one enemy remaining. But because it's the three-shot walking enemies that usually get stuck somewhere that you can't find them, you could have 2 or more stuck somewhere and that causes the mission to appear to not end properly.
That is a hell of a necro-bump!
Even though I should add to a topic that is over a year old, but that ranger mission can bug out, because it actually doesn't show some enemies on the map, and to (sort of) fix this issue the developers seem to have made it so that you can complete the mission with one enemy remaining. But because it's the three-shot walking enemies that usually get stuck somewhere that you can't find them, you could have 2 or more stuck somewhere and that causes the mission to appear to not end properly.
It is a big bump but since the forums are so in-active I just said 'Why not?'