Thread: Best/Worst enemies in the series?

Deleted user

Throughout the series, there have been a variety of different enemies to fight against. Which ones felt the most satisfying to battle for you? Which ones did you not enjoy?

My favorites;
The Vukovar Tribesmen from Barlow.
The thugs on Planet Boldan. At this point in the game we have to fight the higher ranking thugs, and they certainly weren't pushovers. They shoot and react fast, making it difficult to rush through the level. These enemies provided a good challenge.
The Extermibots that helped kill the Protopets on Damosel. They shot with great accuracy like the thugs, were stronger, and could attack faster. These enemies kept me on my toes.
The Mecha-Tyhrranoids. They had robot suits and shot lasers. They were also decently challenging.
The Elite Sharpshooters. First seen on Daxx, they had amazing accuracy, and would kick you in the face much like the Extermibots.
The Tyhrranoid Commanders. These big guys had powerful weapons, and could inflict heavy damage.

The Yeti's on Greblin were a nightmare, I don't think anything else needs to be said.
The Noid Missile Stations on Tyhrranosis. They fired missiles that were virtually impossible to dodge on foot.

Best : thugs blargs arena enemies the tyhraniods nafarous robots tachyon's robots

Worst protopet externamators yeti's orxon enemies swamp hidden boss thugs for less robot boss

I pretty much agree with all of what 1CJB said, except I would put Protopets on my worst list. Just because before I knew how to deal with them properly, they were quite a pain.

It's funny that both your choices for the worst enemies were the only two confirmed winners of the Snowbeast Awards.

Best: Thugs 4 Less in R&C2, varied, challenging, memorable leader, armory and clients.

Worst: Grungarians, they're just there and don't do anything of importance throughout their game, their design is just really off for me, like they were just thrown together to fill in for the bad guys. For their 10th anniversary I wish they'd brought back Thugs, Blarg, Thyrannoids, Pirates, Cragmites (what happened to them anyway?) and Agorians all united to take Ratchet, Qwark and Clank down by the fanboy, it would've been less expensive to reuse the old enemies too.

Cragmites (what happened to them anyway?)

Ratchet killed them all emoji

I would like to add that I thought the Ameboids were among my favorite enemies.

Deleted user

I should have also mentioned that I've never played the PS3 Ratchet games aside from FFA.

It's funny that both your choices for the worst enemies were the only two confirmed winners of the Snowbeast Awards.

The turrets were? I never knew that one. Makes sense.

Best: Thugs 4 Less in R&C2, varied, challenging, memorable leader, armory and clients.

Agreed. The thugs are my favorite in GC.

On another note, has anybody seen the developer lets play of R&C/2/3? I just went back to the one where Mike and Tony talk about the snowbeast awards.

The video if anyone's interested.

Yea, those commentaries are really good. I wish they still had time to do them. It would have been awesome to see them play R&C:ToD!

Deleted user
Yea, those commentaries are really good. I wish they still had time to do them. It would have been awesome to see them play R&C:ToD!

Mike did on Tealgamemaster's channel. I think it was TOD, or ACIT.

Yea I remember that. Teal is great and all, but I would have liked to see Tony and Mike together again, playing the games themselves. I mean when Teal plays the games with Mike, Teal is able to go through them much faster, due to him having played the games more than Mike and Tony have.