Hey Animovie, I saw a bunch of screenshots of the movie on your Tumblr. Do you have the movie digitally? If so how can I get it?
"Wanting something too bad can turn you into someone you're not."
Hey Animovie, I saw a bunch of screenshots of the movie on your Tumblr. Do you have the movie digitally? If so how can I get it?
"Wanting something too bad can turn you into someone you're not."
Messages: 386
I got this screenshot from Animovie's tumblr.
I guess we can all agree this screenshot is full of references. From left to right there is the Hologuise, the Protopet, Lawerence blueprint (which suggests that he was not created yet and that he got designed by Nefarious or Elaris), a note with "Qwark's Password" which cannot be seen, some desings of the Helipack, the Thrusterpack and the Hydropack, the Zoni, the note with a heart that says "STIG", Skidd McMarx and lastly a note with a pie and the number 3.14.
Messages: 23
I got this screenshot from Animovie's tumblr.
I guess we can all agree this screenshot is full of references. From left to right there is the Hologuise, the Protopet, Lawerence blueprint (which suggests that he was not created yet and that he got designed by Nefarious or Elaris), a note with "Qwark's Password" which cannot be seen, some desings of the Helipack, the Thrusterpack and the Hydropack, the Zoni, the note with a heart that says "STIG", Skidd McMarx and lastly a note with a pie and the number 3.14.
Dang Handem, you beat me to it! I thought I was one of the first people to spot that pic of Lawrence in the style of the Vitruvian Man in the shadows. There is also a pic of the groovitron and robots dancing to it above the image of Skidd and the darts in the poster of Neffie are mini-warmonger missiles. I guess to return the compliment from a couple of months ago, good eye!
Messages: 386
I got this screenshot from Animovie's tumblr.
I guess we can all agree this screenshot is full of references. From left to right there is the Hologuise, the Protopet, Lawerence blueprint (which suggests that he was not created yet and that he got designed by Nefarious or Elaris), a note with "Qwark's Password" which cannot be seen, some desings of the Helipack, the Thrusterpack and the Hydropack, the Zoni, the note with a heart that says "STIG", Skidd McMarx and lastly a note with a pie and the number 3.14.Dang Handem, you beat me to it!
I thought I was one of the first people to spot that pic of Lawrence in the style of the Vitruvian Man in the shadows. There is also a pic of the groovitron and robots dancing to it above the image of Skidd and the darts in the poster of Neffie are mini-warmonger missiles. I guess to return the compliment from a couple of months ago, good eye!
Thank you. One thing that I feel weird about is that Lawrence has not been created yet but in the vid comics he was with Nefarious since he was a squishy. Also, didn't notice these darts but they look really funny! Good work!
"I guess to return the compliment from a couple of months ago, good eye!" Could you please remind me what are you refering?
Messages: 23
Thank you. One thing that I feel weird about is that Lawrence has not been created yet but in the vid comics he was with Nefarious since he was a squishy. Also, didn't notice these darts but they look really funny! Good work!
"I guess to return the compliment from a couple of months ago, good eye!" Could you please remind me what are you refering?
Sure, so I thought it would be more than fitting if I returned the complement you gave me on my first post here: this one back in March.
Also, to what you mentioned about Lawrence, it is really strange to think Neffie built him since it was established (in ACiT, if I'm not mistaken) that Lawrence was hired by Nefarious not built by him. Although in my personal experience, before hearing him specify this point, there was always this notion that he could have been built by Nefarious. But, yeah, having all this retconned information in the reboot is going to take some getting used to. I personally explained away his absence in the film as he hadn't taken the job yet to be Neffie's butler or he wasn't made yet, although it was still quit the tragedy that he wasn't in the film at all…
Other funny parts was "Hall Of Heroes, Aleero City: Gift Shop open all day", When Nefarious is trying to tell Drek to trick Qwark and he's just not getting it, The one liner argument, "The day was saved by… uh.. cat thing", and of course one of my favorite references: "IT'S MEATLOAF DAY".
I wonder if Ratchet went to the gift shop. What would he buy?
"My name's Ratchet. How about I call you, Clank?" - Ratchet
BLARGH!!! Ratchet vomited and puked all over the ship alongside Captain Qwark with Clank looking worried.
Messages: 386
Other funny parts was "Hall Of Heroes, Aleero City: Gift Shop open all day", When Nefarious is trying to tell Drek to trick Qwark and he's just not getting it, The one liner argument, "The day was saved by… uh.. cat thing", and of course one of my favorite references: "IT'S MEATLOAF DAY".I wonder if Ratchet went to the gift shop. What would he buy?
How about a Qwark statue stuck in the pumps?