Who or What certain things annoy you right away?
Whether it is an annoyingly human gesture, a celebrity or fictional character, or other.
I'll start off, but I probably would not have too much at this point.
1. People who chew with their mouths open. It is just very unpleasing to hear. I have family members and relatives that often does this and it would cringe my teeth with anger right away. Sure, they don't do this when other guests are around, but when it's just the family, they don't care. And I hate it so much because I don't want to hear fracking cattle sounds while I'm eating food.
2. The word "Noob". I didn't mind it at first when someone would call a newcomer "Noob" because they were literally acting like one, but I am now fed up with it since my younger cousin had over killed that word on me these days. It's just a stupid word now, especially how it's spelled too.
Do I need to say more? He just annoys me as h*ll.
4. People who think they are better than you. Now I don't mind if you're joking around (even if it takes a while to get use to), but when you place attitude in such bad taste is where I would get annoyed. People thinking you're lame by the music you listen to or the clothes you wear is where I would ignore your stupidity right away unless if you can explain it in a mature critical matter.
And I guess that's it for now.