Thread: Ratchet + Talwyn = Couple?

I don't think Ratchet would be good with any girl he's met, because everyone is too serious. Then again, usually the man is more goofy then the woman. But, still, Ratchet seems to show no interest in Talwyn, but maybe Talwyn likes him. It's possible, but I don't support R & T.

I think it´s more like Ratchet and Sasha…

And Clank with the robot in Ratchet & Clank Going Commando emoji emoji emoji emoji

Not a good idea, lol.

I think Ratchet is still yet too emotionally immature to hold a decent relationship. I don't think he could cope with the pressure of being tied down by one person, maybe as he gets older, we'll see emoji

The life of an Intergalactic superhero can be very stressful

Ratchet has too much on his hands at the moment to have a relationship. Maybe if all evil goes away for ever though…

Deleted user
I think Ratchet is still yet too emotionally immature to hold a decent relationship. I don't think he could cope with the pressure of being tied down by one person, maybe as he gets older, we'll see emoji

I think I said something like that earlier in the topic :p

well, Kaden eventually settled down (of course) but I do think it's a long while until Ratchet would get close to that XD still lots of adventures ahead of him!

If you ask me, I have a feeling their 'relationship' might go a bit further in the comic… from the hints I've seen so far!

I don't get it, actually… People seem to like pairing official characters… It's like a rule: 'when smt has at least one male character and one female one then at least one pairing should be made up'. Some people are not even stopped by the lack of opposite sex, actually… Nevermind.

What I want to say is that I don't see Talwyn and Ratchet together as long as it is not a official pairing. They might be friends in need but I didn't see them getting past that. So I'd say I don't see them together as of now.

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I say, it's like those people who automatically thought Angela and Ratchet should be a couple, even though they barely even show any affection, just friendship >.>

Well yeah, a lot of people are obsessed with trying to make pairings though… even I used to be when I was young, heh. And like I said earlier in the topic, he doesn't really seem to be the type to have anyone at the moment anyway, well Sasha certainly didn't last too long back then O.O

if you ask me, it looks like it might go more into detail in the comic series, after hearing about the 'love triangle' in it emoji but who knows? Maybe Ratchet doesnt want anyone yet and those other two girls just end up trying to fight for his affection XD

Ratchet + Talwyn = D:>

I still don't get the whole RatchetxAngela pairing more so being the two didn't really show anything. Ratchet seemed to have feelings, but I think of it more than a crush than anything. Same goes for Sasha, but that's another story.

Also, Angela seems older than Ratchet. In GC, Ratchet seemed to be 18, while Angela seemed to be in her mid or late 20's. And of course, they just didn't really show anything that you can point out for them having feelings for each other. With Sasha at least you can see it somewhat, but I still find it more than a crush than anything being I just couldn't see those two together + it felt forced and unrealistic.

The RatchetxTalwyn pairing makes more sense due to the fact the two shared way more time together, over a year or two, have tons in common, and they show sighs that they do have feelings for each other, at least Talwyn.

Also, I found it way more realistic.

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Geez, if Ratchet ever wanted to be with Angela Cross, it would be a Conker and Berry pairing right there. In results, that would definitely be awkward to see in a Ratchet game.

But then again, all the girls that Ratchet has met have always seem to be taller than him. emoji

You brought a good point about the female characters in the games SweetT. I do have to agree with your comment right there, even if my opinions about this kind of topic is pretty different from yours. emoji

I think when Ratchet is in a pairing either with Talwyn or Sasha really depends on the content style that a fan of the series might like on the characters. Those who are into Ratchet and Talwyn may like a pairing with a lot of things in common, which they have showed their love in a subtle realistic take. And for those who are into Ratchet and Sasha might like a pairing with opposite interests, showing their love to one another become quite exaggerated and out of this world.

I also believe it depends on the type of storytelling you like in a Ratchet and Clank title. If you like the quite deeper approach, you'll fond the Future trilogy over the PS2 trilogy, which equals to liking Talwyn even more. If you like the quirky zany approach in the dialogue, then you'll appreciate the PS2 games over the Future games, which makes you like Sasha more in results.

My theories might be wrong, but who know. Someone might agree or disagree with me on this.

You hit it right on the head, Tipsy. I kinda prefer Sasha over Talwyn, because I'm more interested in an "opposites attract" chemistry, and makes it more interesting for me. But I can understand why people would prefer Talwyn, since they also have much in common, and she is tied more with Ratchet's past.

I think that's a great way to put it Tipsy. I know some people pefer the PS2 titles stories over the future titles, but I think it's a matter of taste when it comes down to it. I love both, but the future series was more story dirven for me, which I liked way more.

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