Messages: 53
I havent got in neither I wish it was for sale over here, I really want to know what happens!
Messages: 53
I havent got in neither I wish it was for sale over here, I really want to know what happens!
Messages: 16
Me and my brother are currently waiting for our comics to come in the mail ^^ I bet it's going to be good though so we have been avoiding spoilers!
Just ordered my copy from eBay!
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I ordered mine off Ebay too, but it's taking rather long to get to my friend :/
I went to town today to make myself unwind (had a rough morning) and while I was there wondering around I manage to get myslef the comic! and when I got back home I read it and it's great, I love it and I can't wait to get the 2nd issue of it!
I went to town today to make myself unwind (had a rough morning) and while I was there wondering around I manage to get myslef the comic!
WHAAAAA? Where did you find it?
This is the Signature Box. Writing in it means that things will appear under your posts; write as you please, for example: Why not describe the purpose of the Signature Box?
WHAAAAA?Where did you find it?
from OK Comics
Ok so my birthday was yesterday but i did not get the comic yet but there is one store planing to get them so i'm placing my bets on that store. but if anyone lives in FL can some one help me or just were to find it in FL.
SPECIAL/ULTIMATE MOVE: Oblivian Blast,kamehameha overload, and a echo blaster
(ps picture is from http://thelombax51.deviantart.com/ thanks again)
Messages: 156
I wish i could help but i got nothin
W00t! I finally got the comic today and I'm ready to give a review, after taking another read just a while ago… I'll give both a spoiler-free review and a full review too.
My Review(Spoiler-free)
As we all already know, we were shown the first 7 pages and a few covers to take a glance at, which were all very neat in their own ways but now… the first issue is out and many of us have been lucky to gain a copy of it!
So what can I say without spoiling it? Well the story definitely gets a lot better as you read through it, which is to be expected as it is TJ Fixman's story-work after all, heh. It fits very well to the R&C universe and it has it's funny moments, quotes and scenes throughout the panels. The artwork is also spectacular, especially in the scenes showing a lot of action. Whenever you like the style or not, Adam Archer's drawings are definitely top-notch; as well as Jonny Rench's colouring.
My Review:(Spoilers!)
As I already said above, I do enjoy it a lot so far and many of the scenes look quite great! But now I can get a bit more into detail…
As I said, the story is coming along nicely as a start. It really shows Ratchet's feelings after the events in Crack in Time, such as the loss of Alister Azimuth after the Great Clock incident. And seeing as Ratchet wants to live a more quiet life like he used to. But of course, the duo are soon disturbed by the forces of 'President Zogg', after an announcement made by one of his scientist side-kicks named Vorn.
The few jokes and scenes during this did make me smile, especially the part at 'Galaxy Burger' (I think that's what it was, lol) and some of the familiar quoting that comes from Clank and Ratchet during their fight against the evil forces. I really liked the fighting scenes there, the panel artwork looks amazing; full of detail, action and contrast. And it's also nice to see a few familiar gadget/weapons there too.
The plot these villainous Markazians have planned is rather interesting and sinister indeed. They seem like a more serious type of villain, much like Drek back in the first game. And of course, these new Markazians aren’t the most photogenic of the lot (As SweetT said, Zogg is an ugly Motherf'r XD) but I do think they're interesting villains so far.
The only real thing that bothers me with the comic is that it is advertised to have 32 pages, when it really only has 22 pages (10 pages are adverts) but despite that, it's still great for any R&C fan to enjoy.
So yes, I enjoyed it and I'm eagerly awaiting the next issue. So if you're a fan of the series, then it really is a must-get! Now I eagerly await the 2nd issue of this series ;D
W00t! I finally got the comic todayand I'm ready to give a review, after taking another read just a while ago… I'll give both a spoiler-free review and a full review too.
My Review(Spoiler-free)
As we all already know, we were shown the first 7 pages and a few covers to take a glance at, which were all very neat in their own ways but now… the first issue is out and many of us have been lucky to gain a copy of it!
So what can I say without spoiling it? Well the story definitely gets a lot better as you read through it, which is to be expected as it is TJ Fixman's story-work after all, heh. It fits very well to the R&C universe and it has it's funny moments, quotes and scenes throughout the panels. The artwork is also spectacular, especially in the scenes showing a lot of action. Whenever you like the style or not, Adam Archer's drawings are definitely top-notch; as well as Jonny Rench's colouring.
My Review:(Spoilers!)As I already said above, I do enjoy it a lot so far and many of the scenes look quite great! But now I can get a bit more into detail…
As I said, the story is coming along nicely as a start. It really shows Ratchet's feelings after the events in Crack in Time, such as the loss of Alister Azimuth after the Great Clock incident. And seeing as Ratchet wants to live a more quiet life like he used to. But of course, the duo are soon disturbed by the forces of 'President Zogg', after an announcement made by one of his scientist side-kicks named Vorn.
The few jokes and scenes during this did make me smile, especially the part at 'Galaxy Burger' (I think that's what it was, lol) and some of the familiar quoting that comes from Clank and Ratchet during their fight against the evil forces. I really liked the fighting scenes there, the panel artwork looks amazing; full of detail, action and contrast. And it's also nice to see a few familiar gadget/weapons there too.
The plot these villainous Markazians have planned is rather interesting and sinister indeed. They seem like a more serious type of villain, much like Drek back in the first game. And of course, these new Markazians aren’t the most photogenic of the lot (As SweetT said, Zogg is an ugly Motherf'r XD) but I do think they're interesting villains so far.
The only real thing that bothers me with the comic is that it is advertised to have 32 pages, when it really only has 22 pages (10 pages are adverts) but despite that, it's still great for any R&C fan to enjoy.
So yes, I enjoyed it and I'm eagerly awaiting the next issue. So if you're a fan of the series, then it really is a must-get! Now I eagerly await the 2nd issue of this series ;D
Great to hear you finally got the comic series! Here are my thoughts on it:
I love it. The only real problem I have with it is that it was kinda shrot. However, the villains were great, Artemis Zogg and Vorn, both sinister and more serious than Dr. Nefarious. I do also like there designs, yes I know Zogg is an ugly motherf'r, but his detals like his color and fat body are matched perfectly. Qwark still had his funny jokes like "Planets are disappearing faster than my Gym socks" lol. And all whole Ratchet feeling bad for Azimuth and wants to "Go back to the way things were" when he was fixing ships on Veldin.
Overall, this comic is very interesting, and RC fans should go out and get it who haven't gotten it yet.
Here's my thoughts on the first issue
The first issue went to a pretty decent start, although like Neffy said, I was expecting a bit more with this comic. It just felt short in my opinion, especially when half of the pages are filled with so much advertisements as Tara mentioned earlier.
But enough of the nickpicking, the comic was a good read. The humour and story is just like in the games (of course it's by Fixman, the same writer as in the game series), which makes it worth checking. The humour had some new and even old familiar quotes to the issue. I laughed pretty hard when the quote "If you are pregnant, have a heart condition or are allergic to intergalactic travel" appeared in the comic. The story showed a nice way after the events in A Crack in Time, especially when Ratchet didn't want to be a hero anymore with the loss of Azimuth and the incident from the Great Clock. You see fans! Ratchet does care about Azimuth's death… and there's proof to show you in this first issue.
Let's not forget that other slight cameos were shown and mentioned in the story such as the hoverboots and also the Galactic Rangers.
I've mentioned before that the art style is something you really have to get used to. I didn't like it at first, but once I glanced at the comic more than once, I applauded Archer's style to be unique and easy to look through. Sure, there might be some panels that makes the characters distorted and weird, but there are other panels that are very well drawn and planned out. The colours are nice too, which looks vibrant and very pleasing that fits the R&C universe pretty well.
I liked the approach that Artemis Zogg started in the first issue. He becomes anonymous and sinister throughout the comic, but at the last panel, his overall appearance is something that I didn't expect to see. I wasn't expecting a chubby Markazian with a bald head and some golden accessories to come into the picture! But then again, not every Ratchet and Clank villain that appeared before weren't good looking to begin with such as Tachyon, Chairman Drek or even Dr.Nefarious, before he became a robot.
Overall, the comic was decent. I would of expected a bit more with this issue, but how it was written and planned out was good, especially one that's based on a video game. Hopefully there would be more cameos, humour and story and less adverts in the second issue.
I'll give the first issue a 7.5 out of 10.
Oh yeah I agree…
that is was a bit too short, I guess that's because we thought that there would be 32 pages when there actually is only 22 pages… I found that out before reading the comic though so I did sorta expect that. But overall, I'm not really picky with the comic itself and I did enjoy is quite a lot, I have a feeling it gets a lot better as it goes, and once we see more familiar faces then yeah… XD
And yes, the 'If you're pregant, have a heart condition, etc' part was funny, like in TOD![]()
Read it - brilliant!
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I'm looking forward to the 2nd issue heh, even my BF thought the first issue was good XD