Is it awesome here, or is it just me?
Messages: 3875
Lucky, lucky you.
Everyone has GZ now… and I have a loooooong wait.
Messages: 3875
Lucky, lucky you.
Everyone has GZ now… and I have a loooooong wait.
Aaaand I just heard the new Snake… I'll miss Hayter a lot.
Lucky, lucky you.
Everyone has GZ now… and I have a loooooong wait.
Why's that? Is it not on the store or are you lacking funds?
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Messages: 3875
Well to be honest I want it on PS4… not enough funds…
If can say anything, it takes sometime getting used to it, I was surprised that there was no longer a Stamina meter or the camo system, also whenever someone spots you it slows down like Max Payne and you can shoot down whoever saw you before he contacts anyone else.
Something that's bugging me is the new inventory. Since L2 is now used for the Codec and R2 for the binoculars, you have to use the D-Pad to open your inventory and then use the Right stick to select what you want. And best of all: it has limited space and Big Boss thought it was a good idea to leave his hammer space at home. Now you can only carry two weapons (one handgun and a rifle) and four throw objects, which means that if you find an extremely useful Sniper Rifle, you have to leave your Ak-47 behind.
But maybe I'm sounding like an idiot and MGS4 already had all of this.
EDIT: Just beat it… rather gruesome ending… and short for 20 bucks…
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Messages: 3875
Now play the Extra Ops, and try to Platinum… you'll realise quickly, the true value of the game.
Last time I was here I didn't have time to elaborate. I want Ground Zeroes so badly, but when there are 2 versions: A good version, and a better version with support for Remote Play, I can't stand the thought of getting the PS3 version only to have to re-buy a slightly improved one later on in life. I just want to buy it once, and properly… so I'll have to wait… and try to avoid spoilers…
I saw the title "Really Random thread" and felt like posting something, so……..Muffins?
~Foenix Nightshade
Messages: 5964
Some I like… some make me feel sick.
Messages: 34
I bid Blueberry Muffin.
Messages: 5964
All I've had are choco and natural. And sometimes there's a little liquid in the choco one which makes me feel sick to my stomach…
Not surprising.
I suggest the banana nut muffin!
Drat…now I want one…
~Foenix Nightshade
Messages: 5964
N'aw. Amy Hanning left ND… She was like my favorite.
N'aw. Amy Hanning left ND… She was like my favorite.
Wasn't this confirmed way back?
I'm happy for it, after Uncharted 3 I didn't want to see what she'd do with 4.
Now officially addicted to League of Legends.
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Messages: 5964
Probably. I've been a little out of the loop lately…
Wanna laugh for about an hour?
Now officially addicted to League of Legends.
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Messages: 5964
*Snow & White & the Huntsman - now playing in PlayStation Store.
Like.. of all movies that exist.
Also, the rest of the video made me cry, not laugh.