Octonok Cay
- Hero bolts: 5
- Skill points: 3
- Cove
- W.A.S.P.
- Reef Shallows
- Octonok Lighthouse
- Top of Lighthouse
Skill points
- Gone Fishin': Get all the goody reels.
- The Conductor: Do not get hit by a Conductor panel.
- Rusty Pete Would Be Proud: Do not let both rafts take any damage.
Hero Bolts
Segment 1: Cove
- After the first sonic pylon, use the Hookshot to get over the gap. The Hero bolts are to the far left.
- The Hero bolts are after the second row of Hookshot targets, towards the right and behind where the heroes land.
Segment 2: W.A.S.P
- Behind the first fan, the Hero bolts float next to a Bolt Grabber.
Segment 3: Reef Shallows
- The Hero bolts are on the second small island at the edge of the area during the beginning.
Segment 5: Top of Lighthouse
- After killing the King Sepiad, the Hero bolts float right next to his body.