Gah, when is the release date for Indonesia?! At least for the ASEAN region!
And, seriously, early release date for France? Hmm… Kubak, or Animovie, remember to update the news when you got some new infos.
Funny, April 23, 2013 was the day the first announcement trailer came out. Exactly two years later, the movie comes out in France, and three days after that it comes out in the US. Weird Huh?
"Funny, April 23, 2013 was the day the first announcement trailer came out. Exactly two years later, the movie comes out in France, and three days after that it comes out in the US. Weird Huh?"
No, the movie comes out in April 29th, 2016, 2 weeks after France, which is really not fair at all…
Small error in the news, it is April 13 and not 23. I changed it
As I explained to Animovie, we often get movies released in theaters early, here in France, before the US market. It's not something new. For instance, Avengers was released in France, before the US.
The reason is quite simple : Europe and US are very different markets. In Europe, each country represents its own market because of its language and culture. Giving that Europe totals more than 10 different languages, that is a lot of separate markets to consider.
A movie will not be promoted the same in France, than in Germany or Italy. Again, each european country is a market on its own, with its own strategy, planning and marketing. That's why simultaneous worldwide releases are so hard to pull off.
The R&C movie is distributed in the US by Focus Features, and follows a very specific planning depending on the american releases. It's the same with La Belle Company here in France. No need to look for a surprising revelation or anything, it's just like that; no need to feel jealous either, after all, it's only a matter of 2 weeks
What should we say, us who live in France, when a movie such as Big Hero 6 gets released 3 months after the US ? Yes, you read that well, 3 months after…
"Okay, so, looks like Ratchet idolizes the Rangers, and Von Ion appears to either attacking a city or just trying to chase and kill the protagonists."
It kinda feels so cliché.
Kubak, can you contact Kevin Munroe and ask why France gets the early treatment? I thought this delay was supposed to be for the better
Gah, when is the release date for Indonesia?! At least for the ASEAN region!
And, seriously, early release date for France? Hmm… Kubak, or Animovie, remember to update the news when you got some new infos.
Funny, April 23, 2013 was the day the first announcement trailer came out. Exactly two years later, the movie comes out in France, and three days after that it comes out in the US. Weird Huh?
Okay, so, looks like Ratchet idolizes the Rangers, and Von Ion appears to either attacking a city or just trying to chase and kill the protagonists.
"Funny, April 23, 2013 was the day the first announcement trailer came out. Exactly two years later, the movie comes out in France, and three days after that it comes out in the US. Weird Huh?"
No, the movie comes out in April 29th, 2016, 2 weeks after France, which is really not fair at all…
You're right, my bad. thanks
I agree it really is unfair.
Ani, I've sent a tweet to Kevin Munroe. We'll just have to wait for further updates.
Small error in the news, it is April 13 and not 23. I changed it

As I explained to Animovie, we often get movies released in theaters early, here in France, before the US market. It's not something new. For instance, Avengers was released in France, before the US.
The reason is quite simple : Europe and US are very different markets. In Europe, each country represents its own market because of its language and culture. Giving that Europe totals more than 10 different languages, that is a lot of separate markets to consider.
A movie will not be promoted the same in France, than in Germany or Italy. Again, each european country is a market on its own, with its own strategy, planning and marketing. That's why simultaneous worldwide releases are so hard to pull off.
The R&C movie is distributed in the US by Focus Features, and follows a very specific planning depending on the american releases. It's the same with La Belle Company here in France. No need to look for a surprising revelation or anything, it's just like that; no need to feel jealous either, after all, it's only a matter of 2 weeks
What should we say, us who live in France, when a movie such as Big Hero 6 gets released 3 months after the US ? Yes, you read that well, 3 months after…
"Small error in the news, it is April 13 and not 23. I changed it
Whoops! How'd I miss that?
Ah, thanks RB. I'm still wondering if they also distribute the movie for ASEAN countries. (Please, at least Singapore, or just the DVD)
"Okay, so, looks like Ratchet idolizes the Rangers, and Von Ion appears to either attacking a city or just trying to chase and kill the protagonists."
It kinda feels so cliché.
Wonder when we will get a UK release date….usually we get stuff quite late, but I have no idea about this one
On second look, I see that they are using some weird alien language. That ain't Lombax…
"On second look, I see that they are using some weird alien language. That ain't Lombax…"
I think that's Vullard language.