General info
Language: English
Birthdate: 5/5/91
Registration: 8/25/10
Last activity: Oct 19, 2010
Messages: 7
Quote: Burn, baby, burn! Disco Inferno!
Gender: ♀
Country: United States
Location: Mt. Pleaseant
Hobbies: I have alot....
Social networks:
Email: shadyphantom@hotmail.com
PSN: BloodRiotIori
No fan-art published
No fan-fiction published
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I'm kind, caring, loyal, protective(when it comes to family and friends especially close friends), random but I can be serious when I need to be and playful. I'm a loner by nature, but, that doesn't mean I don't mind making friends. I'm a artist and a retired fan-fiction author(though, I am thinking about making some more for old times sake). I am a huge fan of the Sonic series(Yes, I know Sonic's games sucks these days sadly, but, I still love the characters and the old, awesome games) but I am also starting to become a huge fan of the Ratchet & Clank series as well. I am also fans of other video game franchises, like, Mario, Sly Cooper, Crash Bandicoot and a few more. Well…Th-Th-Th-That's All Folks!