Hi my name is Kiana lee. I’m an average lombax living on planet Quanlombaxian. My whole life I was an average lombax until 3 days ago when I found out the truth of my real father….his name was General Alister Asimoth…everyone says he was a traitor and I asked them. They told me that he had given up the whole lombax race and murdered 3 lombax's. The only thing I never understood was why…why would my own father betray his whole race??? I would never believe it…so I had to figure out why…
The next day I headed over to the scientific lab where one of my best friends lived. She had told me that they were working on a new experiment related to time travel. They were basing it on the great clock, the thingy that could control time throughout the universe. She had mentioned that they did need a tester for it and no one else had offered, leading me to being the tester. Maybe, somewhere in the great time continuum there was a place where I could find him and bring him back to the land of the lombax's…just maybe…

Fiction written by thelombaxgirl
This is about another lombax and Ratchet, who acidentally finds her, on a search to find her long lost father...but will there friendship last?
Category: Various
1 chapter • • 4 • 202
Status: Completed
Its a good story so far.
It's awesome so far
but try not getting out of character,like when ratchet said "Shiz….not again!!!!"
it's just not ratchet,it's not like him to say "shiz"
when are you doing the next chapter?
Are you seriously done? Because it is marked as done.
But I really like this story, and I look forward to reading more, if there is.