Messages: 1
wow thanks dudes and dudettes those are awesome glitches and im kinda new around here
Messages: 1
wow thanks dudes and dudettes those are awesome glitches and im kinda new around here
Messages: 4
YouTuber's ThelnsomniacGamer and BeautifulTechno upload Ratchet & Clank glitches often.
Messages: 50
When I was playing Ratchet and Clank 1, I was on Pokitaru swimming in the water. Now, I think you all know that you can swim so far, then you are stopped by an invisible wall. But as I was swimming underwater, there must've been a break in this barrier or something because I went out beyond it, and then Ratchet's falling animation started to play (keep in mind the water had dissappeared and was replaced with air), except I wasn't falling and I could move forewards and backwards. Eventually, I would go foreward so far, then he would actually randomly fall down and die, but it waas weird.
I wish I remembered where this break was now though -_-
his glitch I find too….Thats funny
I've recently encountered a cinematic glitch while I was playing Going Commando. This happened after defeating the Thief in planet Siberius.
The scene where the Thief gets away, I spotted another figure of the Thief in a different action (and less visible) once the Thief left with his hoverboard. Then once the video about the Megacorp Mine Facility that Fizzwidget shows you is over, it went back to the scene when the Thief got defeated again, except there wasn't a second Thief figure this time and the cutscene ran through.
I assume there was too much happening on screen once I defeated the Thief.
In Tools of Destruction, I encountered a glitch on planet Ardolis where I made those bat things
dance at the cave entrance. The bats fell through the ground, a ton of bolts came out of the
ground, and a glowing blue "ghost bat" appeared and I couldn't kill it, but it could hurt me!
This happens every time I make those bats dance at the cave entrance.
Is it just me, or does Going Commando provides many visual glitches in the game?
Recently, I've encountered a couple more visual glitches in GC.
1. Once I first arrived on planet Boldan, I went to the fountain to grab the Nano Upgrade Tube. The only problem is that it wasn't on the fountain. But then when I revisit the planet again, it was there.
2. After when I fought the additional boss fight on planet Oozla, once Ratchet was obtaining his prize in the short cutscene when he obtains a bolt or other items, his right hand was invisible.
Is it just me, or does Going Commando provides many visual glitches in the game?
Recently, I've encountered a couple more visual glitches in GC.
1. Once I first arrived on planet Boldan, I went to the fountain to grab the Nano Upgrade Tube. The only problem is that it wasn't on the fountain. But then when I revisit the planet again, it was there.
2. After when I fought the additional boss fight on planet Oozla, once Ratchet was obtaining his prize in the short cutscene when he obtains a bolt or other items, his right hand was invisible.
The nano upgrade tube on Boldan is not a glitch. The upgrade is only there every other hour, so if it isn't there when you first come there, try again in about an hour and it should be there.
The nano upgrade tube on Boldan is not a glitch. The upgrade is only there every other hour, so if it isn't there when you first come there, try again in about an hour and it should be there.
Oh okay then. I mostly see it on that same spot every time I play through planet Boldan for the first time. Looks like I come at the right time for that Nano Tube to appear.
Messages: 3875
The king of all glitches! I havent yet seen or heard of anyone else discovering this glitch, so i must be the first!
I dont think i will ever be able to show pictures but i can explain how you too can witness the greatness of hovering over a giant circut board in the middle of nowhere!
Items you will need:
Decoy Glove
Co-ordinates to planet Barlow
Knoledge of the glitch that gets you through walls! I'll explain…
When you go to Barlow find the elevator that gets you up into the room that you first use the Therminator in. You must make sure the water is frozen, then jump down onto the ice, go to the wall on the other side of the room, the left corner is where you wanna go. Press up against the wall & use the glitch with your Decoy Glove to go through it! (to go through you must press up against the wall an go into aim mode then look down and place one on your left and another on your right! Then a final one right in front of you. This is to push you through using massive force!). On the other side you must stay on the ice and dont jump outwards! (you will fall and die) Thaw the Ice and when in the water go and swim out into the air! When you are a reasonable distance away from the patch of water you left before go under. You are swimming under! But DO NOT GO BACK UP! (the purpose of you going under is to use Clank's Turbo Jets (R1) Now you are ready for your long journey. To find the Electrolyser! To find the Electrolyser go into your map and scroll to the top left corner! Swim in that direction until you see what looks like a bunch of black pannels appearing! No your eyes are not tricking you. As you get closer it will become more and more like i GIANT ELECTROLYSER!
If somethimg went wrong plese post and i will help. If this was unclear tell me where you got stuck and i will try to help you out.
Good luck
Here's a glitch that Malier313 found:
Messages: 3875
Here's a glitch that Malier313 found:
i've found stuff like that in the sewers before. That place has glitches all the time, like how if you can get an Ameboid to jump out where you are standing you go through the walls… Kinda, it is hard to explain
i've found stuff like that in the sewers before. That place has glitches all the time, like how if you can get an Ameboid to jump out where you are standing you go through the walls… Kinda, it is hard to explain.
I had that happen once…
One time in ToD i walked through Captain Slag while using shredder claws.
that gam glitches 24/7! I can't have one play session without some crates floating in the air. XD
There was another time (no joke) where i was battling Percy and when he stomped his robot's foot, He started like…….. vibrating? He was stuck in place and was vibrating- but i could still do damage and it looked like he was having some sorta seizure, lol. Kinda horrifying to see your favorite character do. XDDDD
He was easy to beat to begin with (for other pipos who no love him as much as i), but this glitch made it plain pathetic. XD
I can't have one play session without some crates floating in the air. XD
I get that glitch a lot!
I have also seen crates bouncing around on planet Sargasso. One time I saw a crate fly hundreds of feet into the air!
I can't have one play session without some crates floating in the air. XD
I get that glitch a lot!![]()
I have also seen crates bouncing around on planet Sargasso. One time I saw a crate fly hundreds of feet into the air!![]()
I know that hundred-foot distracted me and killed me because i had only a bit of life left so a bugshellthingy came up and ate me. XD