Well my favorite game at the mo is R&C, but yes, I do like a lot of killing games, mainly shooters and RPG's, but you cant tell me you dont like games with killing in them. I mean come on there's basically killing in every game, R&C too. lol
But really, its mainly because I lost track of colorful games like Spyro and Crash when I got a game cube and xbox instead of a ps2, but i'm making up for it now that I have a ps3.
I also like the odd horror game too like Dead Space (nearly crapped my pants playin that) and I just got Metro 2033 today too (Ah, the joys of getting free games off people in college
But since I've started college i've been playing every game I came across (thats how i came to like R&C)
You know the way people got to college and experiment with drugs and carp like that, I'm doing that but with Video games, lol
Well you got a point there. There is violence in video games, except maybe the very casual puzzle and mini game collection kind of gameplays. Although, many games do have violence depending on which games are shown to a certain age group. The ones showing blood will definitely be more for the adults and maybe even teenagers, even if kids these days gets away playing these kinds of games such as God of War, Gears of War and the most overrated game of 2009 and even 2010, "Modern Warfare 2".
I'm not too open with the "realistic" vibe and visuals in gaming, but I am open to try some depending on the concept and the gameplay mechanics of these types of games.
I did enjoy the first two God of War games, especially God of War 2. Although everyone see that franchise more on the violence, gore and nudity, but when I play God of War, I enjoy the experience by it's presentation, the Greek mythology reference and even the emotion that captures in this game series.
I also like Infamous, which is a really fun open world kind of game and at least in this game, you're using electric powers rather than guns like most realistic games have these days.
And I have tried the first Uncharted. It was good, but it felt too repetitive and linear for my taste. But, I do think Nathan Drake is a funny and entertaining video game protagonist.
Oh yes, I remember the college days when students would talk about video games and such. There were days when the Art Fundamental students such as myself would rent a TV and start playing video games at our working area called "The Pit". Many people have played such fun titles such as Super Smash Bros. Melee, Halo 2, Wii Sports and even the Kingdom Hearts games (there were many Sqaure-Enix fans when I was in college).
Although years later, many teachers were annoyed by this and we couldn't do this anymore. After all, college is meant for working which means having fun has to be played little for these art programs, especially if you want get into the bachelor programs such as animation and illustration.