Thread: If you spotted Tachyon or a Cragmite...

If it was Tachyon, i would grab him by his legs, say something about his lenght, and punt him off a cliff, if it was a Cragmite, I would grab my weapon of choice, The Atomic Toaster and blow it to smithereens

My sense of survival would kick in, I would pretend to be friends with them, while plotting to try to destroy them. That, or running and screaming.

Deleted user

As I am always with fruit around when I go out, I would problably aim and shoot some at Tachyon's face.

To me, Ratchet isn't the brutal type to do that, even to the most horrible of villains =P

So, he made a planet blow up with a bad guy on it and you think Ratchet wouldn't be brutal enough to send Tachyon to the Lombax Dimmension? If that's so old age affects people alot.

Deleted user

I'd despise Tachyon and his kind for what he did to the Lombaxes.

If I spotted Tachyon I would probably laugh and mock his name and size.

If I spotted a Craggy Mite I would probably walk away and leave it to it's destructive business. I've got nothing against him, so I see no need to engage him in battle or anything. He'd probably make a good ally.

I'd pull out my RYNO and rip him a new one.

I'd pull out my RYNO and rip him a new one.

You have a RYNO everytime you go out? Now that's a bit overkill strange.

I'd pull out my RYNO and rip him a new one.

You have a RYNO everytime you go out? Now that's a bit overkill strange.

Just in case I meet you ugh I mean any cragmites!