ratchet and clank is awesome
Messages: 156
okay but i swear i hate people who judge a book by its cover u no
Messages: 156
okay but i swear i hate people who judge a book by its cover u no
indeed if I didn't like it I would say 'what the heak is this?' or 'this looks boring' or 'it's not my type of game' something like that but since I gave it a try, I loved it, and joined this site
Messages: 156
when i first got rac 3 years ago i never even heard about that game but i got anyway because my friend said it was like jak so i read the back and the manual and got it 1 of the best decisions of my life.
Ratchet & Clank? Babyish?
Allow me to go on a super-wavy-ulatra rant:
First of all, Ratchet & Clank is rated T for teens, yes I know the Future series' games are being rated E10 now, but according to Insomniac, that might stop becuase they said "it's temporary"
Next, the humor is mature, for example, lets look back at Up Your Arsenal, "Sasha tells me you a man whose good with his hands Ratchet" "Sir, I swear, I never had…" Sexual joke aleret. "It was mating season, how was I to know she was your sister" and finally "Oh Qwark, I never met a man like you. After you i'll be ruined for other men"
Third, who gives a **** if it's cartoony, it's more realistic than Mario and Sonic. The weapons blow c*** up, the story is very mature.
Finally, people these days often crave dark shooters like Resistance and Call of Duty, leaving many platformers in the dust. Same thing happened to me when I was playing Jak 2 until Jak said "Where the **** am I?" then they got into Jak II.
I end this saying, people, stop f***ing around with all the shooters and play real games. Me, myself, I love platformers. And we must all not forget that platformers made video games what they are today, like SUPER MARIO 64
You're absolutely right about the adult jokes, they are everywhere in the games, especially the older PS2 games… I still wont forget the funny jokes Dallas and Juanita come up with, like when Dallas said "I'm sorry for the past 6 years of rude jokes, harassing innuendo, and all those friendly little 'pinches' in the elevator…" And Juanita even refers to Ace Hardlight as 'virile' at some point XXD (if you know what that means, then yeah… XD) there are lots more, like the "Oh and that whole baby-mommy thing, SEXY! Baby needs a changin'!"
But yeah, of course R&C isn't just for kids. It's a series that can be enjoyed by all ages, kids, teenagers and even adults if they're open minded enough and like it's style.
Messages: 156
i know deadlocked is the funniest game in the series
Im 14 and saying Ratchet & Clank is for babies means that you judge games by the rating system or cover. In fact Ratchet & Clank is way more creative than most m rated games, for example: Call of Duty is just another war games with the same old guns, Ratchet however doesn't have hundreds of guns that are all identical, instead they are creative, also ratchet isn't just shooting like most m rated games.
So if you think Ratchet & Clank is for babies just remember: you are judging a book.. i mean game by it's cover.
Messages: 40
I'm 21, and have played MANY video games over my life.
I can tell you now that Ratchet and Clank is not a 'baby' game. Its a perfect example of people confusing a 'kiddie game' with a game that is 'fun for all the family'.
The big reason, I mean the BIG reason why these people will be calling it a childish game is because of the following: its not 'Realistic' (EG: Call of Duty)
Its not Overly Gory
Its not based on a war where 'America is AWESOME, Nazi's are BAD' or Humans are GOOD, Aliens are BAD'
I've played many of these games that have people's attention right now. All the gore, violence etc makes them far more childish than Ratchet and Clank because everything from the story to the characters are about as deep as a tea spoon. Stuff Like resident Evil 5. Good lord that game is BAD.
Lean, Green, PlayStation machine.
And that's pretty much another reason why those 'realistic and gritty' games dont appeal to me at all… not because I can't handle violence though, because they're just more of the same and they just don't appeal to me.
While games like Ratchet & Clank are just much more interesting, with fun characters, a nice story, fun gameplay and imaginative worlds. A great source of inspiration too, unlike being reminded of how crappy RL can be at times
I'm 21, and have played MANY video games over my life.
I can tell you now that Ratchet and Clank is not a 'baby' game. Its a perfect example of people confusing a 'kiddie game' with a game that is 'fun for all the family'.
The big reason, I mean the BIG reason why these people will be calling it a childish game is because of the following:its not 'Realistic' (EG: Call of Duty)
Its not Overly Gory
Its not based on a war where 'America is AWESOME, Nazi's are BAD' or Humans are GOOD, Aliens are BAD'
I've played many of these games that have people's attention right now. All the gore, violence etc makes them far more childish than Ratchet and Clank because everything from the story to the characters are about as deep as a tea spoon. Stuff Like resident Evil 5. Good lord that game is BAD.
Ratchet and Clank is also another example of being an original concept in story and even gameplay as well (except maybe a bit in ACIT. I spotted a few things that felt like familiar territory in the game, but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing if there's a new twist to it).
There was a time back then where games had concepts that was out of reality and was more imaginative and fun in both gameplay and visuals. But I've realized that most games these days are going through what's popular right now. You got your shooters like Halo, you got your music simulator games like Rock Band, and all the trends like the hand motion hand bundles like Kinetic and the PS Move. So I believe everyone goes for more on popularity and too much technology when it comes to the gaming industry.
I will agree with you that everyone is into gritty, violent shooting games, especially Modern Warfare 2. But I would say that not every gritty games follows the same blandish methods of video games today. As long as some of these gritty violent video games has an interesting concept that isn't like your usual M-rated title, I am sure you can have fun with it.
I may not be into realistic gritty styles, but I do like a couple, such as Infamous and the Uncharted Series can be enjoyable sometimes. I could even accept Perfect Dark on the list too since it had a remade done on the X-Box, and surprisingly was done very well for a Rare title. Although, I prefer the N64 version at best.
I will also agree that games with exaggerated, cartoony, or even artistic styles are being quite ignored nowadays, but it depends on what game you are talking about. If it's something well known like Mario, it is appreciated, but anything that hasn't been around for a long time or that is completely underrated is where things could get critically ugly.
I do appreciate games that are more exaggerated that have an artistic style to it and always will. I pretty much grew up with a lot of games with these kind of cartoon like styles and it is a shame that not many game developers are reaching the level of making games like the old days. In fact, video games pretty much started off with a 2D simplistic style when technology wasn't advanced back then, but since technology is so advanced now, everyone wants to capture real life settings in designing video games, so there could be a reason why everyone is making so many games with realistic approaches, to see how the technology can handle it.
And there's my essay folks! Agree? Disagree? You name it!
I agree with you tipsy all the way there are a few realistic gritty style games that I like for example Infamous, Prototype, Assassin's Creed, Bayonetta, Oblivion, and Aliens Vs Predator (for the PS3 of course not much of a Xbox person you see) others games like TGO, COD, Halo, and other realistic gritty style games like thoese I WILL not touch with a 10ft Pole even if people pay me to do it I will still refuse to touch thoese games
Messages: 3875
R&C is 100% not a baby game. I am 15 i believe. And my age group are mad haters for games like R&C and like Halo Black Ops & other boring games along those lines. In my entire school i know 1 person who doesnt HATE R&C and 1 that loves it! (but he is changing into a sporty jerk so i wouldnt count on him staying into R&C, he is coming to hate evrything that isn't tennis!) the other like 2000 hate the game… Sadly my poulatrity would not last if i liked the game so outside of here… I am… Different
it is not for babies… But most people are just… Stupid about it
I feel more like a fan than a baby.
I'm waiting patiently for the questions and answers of yours;D!!!!
I'd like to talk with about everything;3!!!!
Answer: NOPE Chuck Testa.
Messages: 382
I'm 16 and I play Ratchet and Clank!… Why would anyone think that playing Ratchet and Clank would make you a baby?
Messages: 412
I'm 16 and I play Ratchet and Clank!… Why would anyone think that playing Ratchet and Clank would make you a baby?
I can beat that, 23 and playing R&C. Unlike CoD (which I got roped into playing, I sprayed the screen with bullets and basically got a lot of 'friendly fires' ) and similar there's a lot of variety in R&C. Just because the style is cartoony not realistic doesn't make it a baby game, so long as the graphics are good and the gameplay is fun I don't mind about the style.
And remember a lot of platformy, cartoony games are popular on Android and iPhone, so where's the difference between a console game in that style and a mobile game in that style