This Game Doesn't Look fun too me, It looks dull, Ratchet doesn't look like that, and so far it has gotten a bad review so i think it may get bad reviews.
You may never know though. There's a possibility that some game reviewers might give this game a higher score than 6.
The Futurama game that came out on last gen consoles got critically bad reviews in the past compared to other games based on animated tv sitcoms like Simpsons Hit and Run and Family Guy the videogame. Although, there were a couple of reviewers thought the Futurama game was pretty decent and would recommend it to gamers who are into underrated titles. Even if the game itself is highly frustrating to playthrough, it did had some unique styles to the gameplay
another example whould have to be:
Kingdom Hearts: Re Coded. Most of the KH fanbase thinks this is their least favorite game from the franchise, but I remember one reviewer giving the game over a 7 score just because of the variety the game had to its gameplay.
So you may never know what kind of opinions people will have once they try a game out. Some people might find the game enjoyable, while others wont.