Are you sure about all that? I joined their community when I was like 11 or 12, and I've had many of my threads locked there. But I've never been banned.
Got really close to being banned once, for talking about something similar to spoilers, but not quite.
Yes, i'm sure, I posted 3 times the link from RatchetMerch, and got two threads locked, banned for two day. After that, i've got another thread locked, and i said 'whatever', and i doubleposted. They banned me for 2 weeks. (It was always Detroit, he just didn't like me… ) When i was 2 weeks banned, i sended something to Detroit: 'Sorry for everything i did, it will never happen again! I'm so sorry, i'm only 12.' The day after that, i checked IG again and i got a message: Banned forever - reasen: Younger than 13 years.