Thread: the Ratchet and Clank Fan-Made Videos Thread

if you were using windows movie maker… it's not hard to believe! me myself uses this program: it's easy to add a watermark to a video and you can save easily in HD! so… it's genious!

P.S. juust download TRIAL. then you use it until expiring date, and continue using the program in free version! if this not works go to your installed programs list in your control panel and click on uninstall. then you choose waht to do and choose downgrade to free version!

Hope this helps with better editing!

Thanks, sounds good, but I'll download it some other time. I don't exactly have a lot of hard disk space available.

On a heavier note, somebody disliked on my video… emoji

I don't mean to seem rude, but is that a "heavier" note?
People are entitled to their own opinions and therefore a dislike is fair enough, I can understand all too well that it's discouraging if something you make isn't enjoyed. But as long as you enjoy making the videos, then don't let other people's opinions get you down.
Whereas, if you're low on space on your hard drive, that could seriously affect your computer's performance and cause problems, I speak from experience, as my computer ran extremely low on disk space one time, the whole thing slowed down to a painfully slow running speed and hardly any programmes worked. If I were you, I'd look into either expanding the hard drive or clearing away any old or unwanted files!

But yeah, you really shouldn't take video dislikes too badly. You can't expect to always keep 100% positive feedback on any project regardless as to what it's about. If anything, you should take dislikes as motivation to work harder and put even more effort into future videos! emoji

I don't mean to seem rude, but is that a "heavier" note?
People are entitled to their own opinions and therefore a dislike is fair enough, I can understand all too well that it's discouraging if something you make isn't enjoyed. But as long as you enjoy making the videos, then don't let other people's opinions get you down.
Whereas, if you're low on space on your hard drive, that could seriously affect your computer's performance and cause problems, I speak from experience, as my computer ran extremely low on disk space one time, the whole thing slowed down to a painfully slow running speed and hardly any programmes worked. If I were you, I'd look into either expanding the hard drive or clearing away any old or unwanted files!

But yeah, you really shouldn't take video dislikes too badly. You can't expect to always keep 100% positive feedback on any project regardless as to what it's about. If anything, you should take dislikes as motivation to work harder and put even more effort into future videos! emoji

I know… But for some reason I'm paranoid that somebody's trying to troll me in secret, and that they're going to get other people to dislike my vids. Plus I have a dislike on another of my vids.

As for my hard drive, it's teetering on around 500MB of free space out of a 14.6GB capacity, but my speed is still somewhat decent. I've removed as many programs as I think I can afford to, and when I make stuff I save it onto a different drive.

Thanks emoji Would you believe it took me four hours?

I fully believe you there, doesn't look at all easy to make.

Deleted user

Posting on an old thread… Again.
Anyway here's mine:

Behold, what a person that uses Windows Movie Maker poorly can do with some Ratchet and Clank cutscenes and an AniManiacs song emoji.