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So, now that the comics are over (I enjoyed them fully and wish it was an ongoing series, as well!), did you think that the mood of the comics was a lot darker?
So, now that the comics are over (I enjoyed them fully and wish it was an ongoing series, as well!), did you think that the mood of the comics was a lot darker?
Hmm… somewhat. Pretty much issue 4 and 5 have a bit more of a darker atmosphere them the other issues. I guess you can say its a mixtue of what the PS2 and PS3 Ratchet and Clank games were like. A ixture of humor and suspence.
I overall, enjoyed the comic series a lot and is glad to have purchased them! I definitely enjoyed the more serious tone in the story, and the character developement. Especially for Talywn and Sasha. I really liked those two in this story, and of course, Artemis Zogg is a great character and villain, and the ending was hilarious.
I also did something crazy, that I thought I could mention here… you know how my fav character didn't appear in the comics? Well, Archer is going to draw him in a commish I just ordered. Not kidding (wont say anymore until later)
I overall, enjoyed the comic series a lotand is glad to have purchased them! I definitely enjoyed the more serious tone in the story, and the character developement. Especially for Talywn and Sasha. I really liked those two in this story, and of course, Artemis Zogg is a great character and villain, and the ending was hilarious.
I also did something crazy, that I thought I could mention here… you know how my fav character didn't appear in the comics? Well, Archer is going to draw him in a commish I just ordered. Not kidding(wont say anymore until later)
That's awesome! I should get it done for Dr. Nefarious xD. Hope you show us what it looks like when it's finished.
Archer just finished the drawing last night! Ace came out real awesome in his style too, I absolutely love it (it is my design though, not the DreadZone one)
but he hasn't posted it to his DA gallery yet… however, I asked him if I could colour it and post it to my DA and he said yes.
So yeah, I'm really pleased with the drawing XD I'm glad I got it! (just to remind you guys, a commish/commission is something that is paid to get done. It is not free/request!)
I'll post a link here when it's public though heh, would be cool to see how Nefarious would have looked in his style too XD now that you mention it.
Archer just finished the drawing last night!Ace came out real awesome in his style too, I absolutely love it (it is my design though, not the DreadZone one)
but he hasn't posted it to his DA gallery yet… however, I asked him if I could colour it and post it to my DA and he said yes.
So yeah, I'm really pleased with the drawing XD I'm glad I got it! (just to remind you guys, a commish/commission is something that is paid to get done. It is not free/request!)
I'll post a link here when it's public thoughheh, would be cool to see how Nefarious would have looked in his style too XD now that you mention it.
Now that would be cool to see. Can't believe you had the guts to ask Archer to do a commission of Ace Hardlight.
I wouldn't mind doing paid commissions one day, but let's just say I don't really know the ropes of how it work on DA (what to do, the use of copyright, etc.) and I don't think not too many people are going to ask for traditional commissions. Even though, I could be wrong about that part.
Plus I'm quite occupied in working on my original stories at the moment.
Hehe yeah, it was a bit nerve-wrecking to ask! If he said no to game characters, I would have chosen one of my OC's. But he said any character is fine (he's done other game, movie, comic characters for people) so I just had to and Im glad I did! I should have it coloured maybe tomorrow. The drawing is really cool! Im not sure if he'll post the original drawing to his gallery though… some R&C fans on DA might make a fuss about it
But yeah, I sell commissions too sometimes… but not right now since Im too busy at my job. So lately, I just buy off other artists and I'm really glad to have gotten the opportunity to commission him XD
Oh bugger, I have to double post XD well… here it is (colours by me)
Messages: 171
So… I brought all the comic issues from Ebay, but what I thought was issue 1 turned out to be the comic with all the comics in one book O.o I wondered why it was so expensive when I ordered it!
I got it in the post today and was like… oh dear, now I have two of the same thing, bar 2 copies of issue 1 :P
When did this book come out with all the comics in?
So… I brought all the comic issues from Ebay, but what I thought was issue 1 turned out to be the comic with all the comics in one book O.o I wondered why it was so expensive when I ordered it!
I got it in the post today and was like… oh dear, now I have two of the same thing, bar 2 copies of issue 1 :P
When did this book come out with all the comics in?
I heard about what happened to you about the comics on DA. On the plus side though, you have all 6 issues now.
For the extra copies you have already, perhaps you can give them away somehow.
I still want to get the comic collection sometime :P I heard is only has THREE advert pages at the end. While all the single issues have TEN advert pages; each.
Messages: 64
Man, October 20th!
Qwark? He dosen't need weapons when he has his special move! It's called the " Flying Qwark Punch! "
Messages: 1