Thread: RYNO 6 in All 4 One?

They should put the RYNO 6 in the singleplayer mode and have the 10 or so schematics to find, but in multiplayer they should leave it out as this is the first teamwork game in the series (ignoring local co-op on 3) and the player who has the RYNO will just get all the kills, or they should add a power up of sorts where the player who has the most bolts or kills after 10 mins gets the RYNO for a minute or something, just an idea

i hear it is called the warmongeremoji

The Warmonger is just your average every day rocket launcher…


One of the posts from Shaun McCabe an Insomniac, kinda confims a superweapon… It doesnt sound like it will be a RYNO though… But I sure am excited!

Some random guy that important in no way: Will there be a ryno 6 or other superweapon?
Shaun McCabe: most definitely a weapon that stands out from the rest. It's not easy to get but man it's awesome. Keep your eyes peeled and your platforming skills sharpened!

I am very excited!

Found it here:

I will just say, that the RYNO in All 4 One is AMAZING. Super excited.

Oh, and they will never make a R&C without a RYNO. It's the signiture gun, for one. Although I will say, you have to actually work for the pieces. There are critter lab stations where you stop and get the critter to the other end of this tube thing and for each one you beat you get a piece. But you have to be sure and pick up the critters from each world with the vacuum thing or you can't get into the labs to get the pieces. Just figured everyone would like to know.


One more thing, you can use it in single player or multi player mode.

Eh, Nikki i am not a moderator but don't post new replys after each other! just use the edit button! but since you are new here i understand you i did the same fail when i started here!emoji emoji

Oh, and they will never make a R&C without a RYNO.

I hate to say it, but they already made 2 Ratchet and Clank games without the RYNO, Ratchet: Deadlocked/Gladiator and Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest For Booty.

Deleted user
I will just say, that the RYNO in All 4 One is AMAZING. Super excited.

Oh, and they will never make a R&C without a RYNO. It's the signiture gun, for one. Although I will say, you have to actually work for the pieces. There are critter lab stations where you stop and get the critter to the other end of this tube thing and for each one you beat you get a piece. But you have to be sure and pick up the critters from each world with the vacuum thing or you can't get into the labs to get the pieces. Just figured everyone would like to know.


One more thing, you can use it in single player or multi player mode.

Nikki, please don't triple post in a thread. Use the edit button more often to edit your previous posts. Double posting maybe an exception if the messages are on topic, but triple posts are unnecessary to do. Just keep that in mind when you post a message next time.

The RYNO wasnt in QFB because QFB was a minigame with no challenge mode. IG were going to have the Smuggler give you a slightly overpowered weapon for a reasonably large price before the final level to kinda make up for it. Couldn't have done any better than that in my opinion :oui:

Yeah, it's that big weapon that fire a purple beam on your enemies! that thing is one of the best weapons in ToD! :oui:

Yeah, it's that big weapon that fire a purple beam on your enemies! that thing is one of the best weapons in ToD! :oui:

Alpha Disruptor/Alpha Cannon is my third favourate weapon after the Negotiator and the RYNO V

Remember how the Smuggler said "It is ranked number 3 on the polaris comendium of ridiculously overpowered weapons? The power level for the Negotiator is actually higher (considering rate of fire and ammo) so that would be number 2, and the RYNO V is obviously the number 1 weapon! Considering that you would have thought Insomniac would give us the Negotiator in QFB! But when you think about it, you really dont need that kinda firepower, you'd break the game before youve completed it emoji (the point of the super weapon is to break the game in Challange Mode

Remember how the Smuggler said "It is ranked number 3 on the polaris comendium of ridiculously overpowered weapons? The power level for the Negotiator is actually higher (considering rate of fire and ammo) so that would be number 2, and the RYNO V is obviously the number 1 weapon!

Well I'd rank RYNO V below Alpha Cannon and Negotiator (or more precisely Judicator) if both of them were in their ToD configuration. But I assume RYNOs aren't ranked on the list since they are kind of a secret everyone has heard but no one has seen.