Geinea Lombax: I've never turly played the games, just a small demo of it once when I was at Wal-Mart many years ago. But I was always intrested since then. I find Spyro cute and was pretty surpise when I found out it was made by Insomiac Games. I'm not a fan of it, but I support it.
Too bad it went down the toilet when Insomiac sold it…
And then that plauge Skylanders showed its ugly rear into our lives.
Honestly, this game is so stupid, it makes mud looks intelligent. It completely ruin the image of Spyro all together. Instead of a cute, curious litttle dragon, we got some demented, ugly as heck looking maniac who look like he just killed off the real Spyro to take his place. The charaters are ugly and forgetable, the hideous toys are to make money, the names are stupid (I see them at Wal-Mart alot) and the worse of them all, they're making a sequel!
I haven't seen anything this bad since those ugly Rabbids from Rayman Raving Rabbids.
Futhermore, Spyro is a great series that deserves better than this. For anyone who knows of the downfall of the Rayman series, I think we don't want to see another repeat of Rabbids as Skylanders. If you like Skylanders, then I respect it. I'm just saying my opinon.