Gosh, I dont know where to begin
Thanks to XoravaX here, I got bored and wanted to find out more about the PS2 Ratchet titles. I found a whole load of interesting things today after looking at a few files here and there… Im not even sure if it's allowed though. But it isnt that bad me thinks, since Im not editing or hacking anything XD
There is so much things that I didn't have time to go through them all, but here is a list of interesting stuff I found that indicate that they were going to be for scenes in the game at some stage…
1.There appears to be a part when Ratchet has to rescue Clank through a series of missions, which happens quite early in the game (sometime after the Shellshock or Reactor fight) and then again later on when he gets held hostage, and Ratchet has to do a mission to save him through space, sometime after the Ace Hardlight bossfight or Maraxus Prison (it is kinda hard to tell, since some of the audio files are jumbled up)
2. Not only did Clank have to be rescued, there is also a scene where you must free Hydrogirl on the Planet Shaar! I was really surprised, since I didnt think she ever had a bigger role in the game to begin with. There are even audio files of her begging to be freed, and ones where she thanks Ratchet and calls him a cutie, etc. It was quite funny XD seems there was more to those two than we all thought…
3. The Ace Hardlight bossfight was originally going to be far more different as it seems. Merc and Green were going to be with you during the fight; moaning about Ace 'cheating' and using his holoclones to confuse them. (in the final game, they're not there during exterminator fights)
Not only that, but it also seems Ace was originally going to be using the same DZ weapons (or just mods) that you can optain! There are some quotes of him taunting Ratchet about using the Morph-mod on him to turn him into a farm animal. It cracked me up
4. And there are also lots of unused Dallas and Juanita quotes… well, at least quotes I have never heard before.
Even a few of Big Al and Clank that are never heard ingame… like this one with Al calling a "Courtney Gears Hotline" and all that. And there are a bunch of Shellshock, Reactor and Vox quotes I havent heard before too.
I think that's all I'll list for now. I might post some of the audio somewhere but Im not sure if it's allowed… but Im definitely not making anything up. It's really true XD