Messages: 236
Citation : HeatherGrace
Why would Size Matters be a spinoff then?
It's more like a minigame, not connected to the main story. After all, Insomniac (since they are the only ones who can do that) haven't announced it's even canon. So yeah, I can agree that actually all mentioned games are spin-offs - SM, because it was a small PSP title to keep fans busy before ToD, SAC because it's in no way connected to R&C storyline and A4O/FFA because these are just experiments wich somehow got out of the labolatory
I agree, it was a fun little game for everyone to play while waiting for Tools of Destruction, even know it's story got completely ignored. In not PS2 or PS3 Ratchet game was there ever any reference or mention of this adventure. It may or may not be a spin-off, just like Deadlocked.
Actually, there was a reference to Size Matters in Tools of Destruction with the Prison Scrubs skin, it said on the front SZMTTRZ, which is an obvious reference to Size Matters.