The first multiplayer map has been revealed. Visitors of Ratchet Galaxy, behold the most iconic world in R&C history, the most recently used location outside the series, the capital of Kerwan and the home for the greatest hero of the universe! That's right, it's:
It's a nice suprise for me. I thought they (Insomniacs) are going to make it easy way, and copy-paste levels from A4O (both FFA and A4O runs on the same engine). There's still a hope for this franchise I just don't understand, why did Qwark's statue changed pose. I also can't see any ships around. Just need to wait…
I hope we'll be able to grind on those rails again

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Messages: 3875
This is cool! James said there would be more news on Monday, I suppose he was a bit off, but I knew it would be something like this.
I really hope the ranking thing is all sorted now, that was a massive pain.
I can't wait to get this game in just 7 days!!

Messages: 412
Cool! Metropolis is back! I like the way the maps are free, just hoping they bring out some free skins too.

Is it awesome here, or is it just me?
Messages: 3875
They probably won't because they want to make a little money off of the skins. I can't blame them, because it costs money to support a game like this.
I really hope for Hoolefar Island, with nodes placed on the top of Wind Turbines Hoolefar was one of the best gaming moments in my life!

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Messages: 3875
I could see that happening. I could see the major weapon node on the top of a tricky platforming Turbine in the middle and a section of the map with grindrails connecting the nodes. Like one side being on land and the other above water. But make it possible to battle players on the rails… actually that would be an idea best used for Metropolis.
Another map I'd like to see would be Pokitaru.
Deleted user

Another map I'd like to see would be Pokitaru.
Very unlikely, Pokitaru only had 1 appearance (2 if you count Size Matters) and that appearance was only in the first game. Metropolis is returning, but that level had an appearance in the first game, the third game and one in the first game for the PS3 (which I guess is why there's this DLC to begin with). Besides Metropolis was the level that represented Ratchet and Clank back in the PS2 days, kinda like Paris from the Sly Cooper series.

Messages: 947
Cool, Metropolis! I wonder if it will have the classic theme tune.
With all this DLC, I'm looking more forward to getting this game.
I'd like to see a Veldin map, but that might also be unlikely, as Veldin isn't really populated enough to necessitate a defence centre.
But just imagine… Veldin in HD…
Oh! What about the Great Clock?

Is it awesome here, or is it just me?
Messages: 3875
What about Blackwater City then? That one has to be a good idea.

Messages: 947

Messages: 382
I would really like to see Axiom City! I can already imagine the chaos!

Messages: 412
I'd quite like to see Krell canyon. So many opportunities to fall off the map!
Deleted user

I'd quite like to see Krell canyon. So many opportunities to fall off the map!
Krell Canyon would be nice it already has a MultiPlayer feel to it in ACiT, so I guess it wouldn't be that difficult to take the original map, place some nodes and make the bases in 2 different caves.

Messages: 412
I'd quite like to see Krell canyon. So many opportunities to fall off the map!Krell Canyon would be nice it already has a MultiPlayer feel to it in ACiT, so I guess it wouldn't be that difficult to take the original map, place some nodes and make the bases in 2 different caves.
Plus the ACiT one had all those grind rails, launchpads and hoverboot ramps so there's be plenty of variety on the map.
Arggh! I soooo want this map naaoooow!
- Hoolefar Island
- Pokitaru
- Veldin
- The Great Clock
- Blackwater City (hope it'll be the one from R&C1, not UYA)
- Axiom City
- Krell Canyon (very likely, as it fits FFA perfectly, and Insomniacs mentioned it a lot in interviews)