Thread: The quote game

Was aster right, Ratchetruler?


This one is taking too long, therefore it must be too hard. It was Dallas in Ratchet: Gladiator for the tower of power II.

Here is another one

I just received a top secret report on that man's whereabouts

Is that the Agency girl in Secret agent Clank?


But it was in a sort of briefing… although that is probably very obvious.


This one is taking too long, therefore it must be too hard. It was Dallas in Ratchet: Gladiator for the tower of power II.

Here is another one

I just received a top secret report on that man's whereabouts

President in UYA (Was I allowed to answer?)


This one is taking too long, therefore it must be too hard. It was Dallas in Ratchet: Gladiator for the tower of power II.

Here is another one

I just received a top secret report on that man's whereabouts

President in UYA (Was I allowed to answer?)

No, and I knew that one emoji Ask first, then answer.

Your right. But although you shouldn't be able to guess it, I think we should let it go this time because my last quote wasn't guessed so this one could be open to anyone.

EDIT: Kubak you beat me to it with another answer. I think he should do the net quote because we have gone through 2 from me.

Your right. But although you shouldn't be able to guess it, I think we should let it go this time because my last quote wasn't guessed so this one could be open to anyone.

EDIT: Kubak you beat me to it with another answer. I think he should do the net quote because we have gone through 2 from me.

You're lucky this time… Darkstar emoji


*Evil laugh*

You can take that point from me though.

He's got that thousand mile stare

Was that Kubak XII The Bumper, great king of a quote game?
What do you mean my people won't like it? Oh…
Was that choosen by people President Kubak12 also known as king Kubak XII The Bumper?
I'm trying to find more and more ways of bumping this thread.

Was that Kubak XII The Bumper, great king of a quote game?
What do you mean my people won't like it? Oh…
Was that choosen by people President Kubak12 also known as king Kubak XII The Bumper?
I'm trying to find more and more ways of bumping this thread.

And what about:

And what about:

And what about that:

bump [buhmp]
verb (used with object)
to come more or less violently in contact with; collide with; strike: His car bumped a truck.
to cause to strike or collide: He bumped the car against a tree.
to dislodge or displace by the force of collision.
Informal. to dislodge; to appropriate the privileges of: When the general found there were no additional seats on the plane, he bumped a major. The airline bumped me from the flight.
to demote, promote, or dismiss: He was bumped from his job.
verb (used without object)
to come in contact or collide with (often followed by against or into ): She bumped into me.
to bounce along; proceed in a series of jolts: The old car bumped down the road.
to dance by thrusting the pelvis forward abruptly, in a provocative manner, especially to the accompaniment of an accented musical beat. Compare grind ( def 13 ) .
to boil with violent jolts caused by the sudden eruption of large bubbles through the surface.
an act or instance of bumping; collision; blow.
the shock of a blow or collision.
a swelling or contusion from a blow.
a small area raised above the level of the surrounding surface; protuberance: He tripped over a bump on a road.
Informal. a promotion or demotion; transfer to a higher or lower level: He got a bump to vice president of the company.
Informal. an increase in amount, especially of salary or a wager: He asked the boss for a ten-dollar bump.
Aeronautics . a rapidly rising current of air that gives an airplane a severe upward thrust.
a dance movement in which the pelvis is abruptly thrust forward in a provocative manner, especially to the accompaniment of an accented musical beat. Compare grind ( def 19 ) .
Mining. crump ( def 6 ) .
Verb phrases
bump into, Informal. to meet by chance: I bumped into an old friend yesterday.
bump off, Slang. to kill, especially to murder: They bumped him off because he knew too much.

1560–70; imitative

Related forms
bump·ing·ly, adverb
un·bumped, adjective

And what about:

And what about that:

bump [buhmp]
verb (used with object)
to come more or less violently in contact with; collide with; strike: His car bumped a truck.

bump off, Slang. to kill, especially to murder: They bumped him off because he knew too much.

1560–70; imitative

Related forms
bump·ing·ly, adverb
un·bumped, adjective

User image

We went off topic in a quote game emoji
Anyway, here's the current quote by Darkstar:

He's got that thousand mile stare
We went off topic in a quote game emoji
Anyway, here's the current quote by Darkstar:

He's got that thousand mile stare

*Patiently awaiting lombaxdude42*