"Today the Rebellion dies."
Messages: 5964
So you got that DLC, eh? I wish I had the Heavenly Sword stage. Lve the Fearless music!
Messages: 5964
So you got that DLC, eh? I wish I had the Heavenly Sword stage. Lve the Fearless music!
Messages: 3875
Kat doesn't speak any language. It's just a gibberish voice that is supposed to sound French or Japanese or somewhere in between.
Kat doesn't speak any language. It's just a gibberish voice that is supposed to sound French or Japanese or somewhere in between.
Oh…it's pretty obvious now that you've pointed it out. lol.
Messages: 5964
Is Grafity Rush itself voiced in English?
Is Grafity Rush itself voiced in English?
Nope, it's all done in that fictional language. You have to read the subtitles.
Messages: 5964
Is Grafity Rush itself voiced in English?
Nope, it's all done in that fictional language. You have to read the subtitles.
Hmm.. there's nothing wrong with it, but I prefer English over any language any day. Still am gonna get it some time, I wanna play all the games of every PSAll-Stars character
Even…Dead Space? *evil laugh*
Messages: 5964
Even…Dead Space? *evil laugh*
Yes, thats actually on the list of games I wanna try out. And its a 3rd person sci-fi shooter after al ^^
Even…Dead Space? *evil laugh*\r\n\r\nYes.
Yes, thats actually on the list of games I wanna try out. And its a 3rd person sci-fi shooter after al ^^
Oh. Well…yes it is…I mean, if you wanna be all not scared about it.
Messages: 5964
Oh. Well…yes it is…I mean, if you wanna be all not scared about it.
Yeah, about that. I recently bought Resi 5 to prepare me for TLoU. And maybe that can prepare me for Dead Space.
Messages: 242
Does anybody here still play this? I haven't touched the game in a while but I was really digging it. I got really good with PaRappa, and played a decent Toro, Spike, Sir Dan, Ratchet, and Jak. Though I don't think I'd be so decent with them anymore, haha. Still, maybe sometime we could get some users together and play a 2v2 or FFA (Free For All, not Full Frontal Assault, lol) match or two, if anyone still plays.
Messages: 3875
I play it from time to time on Vita. I'm not that good at it, as it's really really hard to connect to a match, because my internet and Vita get along horribly. I don't think I'd be able to play with anyone on Ratchet Galaxy.
I play it from time to time on Vita. I'm not that good at it, as it's really really hard to connect to a match, because my internet and Vita get along horribly. I don't think I'd be able to play with anyone on Ratchet Galaxy.
Same here, I think I played it online twice
I like Spike, he's fast and agile, but he can also hit pretty hard, especially when you know how to utilize his weapons.
I also get a kick out of Ratchet, thre're some pretty awesome combos you can, just try the "Shock Ravager + Warmonger" combo, very efficient if you pull it off.
Sly is very agile, although I don't like him because of his inability to block. He also doesn't hit very hard.
That's my opinion on the game, the other characters I've only touched for MultiPlayer with my family.
Now officially addicted to League of Legends.
Send help.
Messages: 5964
I've played it online… zero. The single player is good enough for me, the AI feels like a second player. Really enjoyed it on PS3, but when I got my Vita I also got the Vita version for it and I've been playing that one most since.