The when I don't know yet. But they are in Apeldoorn. Thats… er.. Overijssel or Gelderland. One out of two, pick one
East Holland may be clearer. And sometimes there's one in Deurne too, south Holland.
To bad
The when I don't know yet. But they are in Apeldoorn. Thats… er.. Overijssel or Gelderland. One out of two, pick one
East Holland may be clearer. And sometimes there's one in Deurne too, south Holland.
To bad
Messages: 5964
Not something you'd do by bike
Though its far away for me too. A 1,5 hour drive.
Not something you'd do by bike
Though its far away for me too. A 1,5 hour drive.
In what city do you live?
Messages: 5964
Not a city, rather a small town based around 1 street in North-Holland.
Not a city, rather a small town based around 1 street in North-Holland.
Yeah, back home now. FACTS was really awesome! Got a few cool things.
When i was waiting to get in… This picture was the row behind me!
This is an awesome cosplayer, one of the thousands
And this is my stuff:
• Game Mania Bag - Free
• AC IV Flag - Free
• AC IV Flag Sealed - Free
• Watch Dogs thingy - Free
• AC IV Poster - Free
• WD Poster - Free
• Injustice - Free
• R&C Series one action figure - €10
I got a cool poster when my copy of R&C1 came in the mail a few years back, it was somthing along the lines of this:
That's not mine, I'd take a photo but I'm on my PS3.Nice,i have posters from ACiT and TOD and i've been looking to buy that poster on ebay for a while now.
I was able to buy it, but i didn't
I got really happy today
Haven't seen you in a while
I like to visit here sometimes
Messages: 2733
I got really happy today
What the Flak?! Where did you get them? I thought the manga comics were long gone!
Messages: 1638
Dem brows.
Dem brows.
Nothing really wrong with them unless they're used in the english deisgn…
Now officially addicted to League of Legends.
Send help.
Messages: 5964
I've seen more than enough of your avatars to know that's not 100% true. ;P