Thread: Really Random thread

That's probably the cause for the power cut. But it's hard to believe that one station going down would have half a country going without power. Then again, what other reason could there be?

Half the country is pretty easy to do, we're not that big. But it's all taken care of now… apperently there were problems at a substation.

"Nick's Animovies", hmm… Animovie, is that just a random name, or is your name actually Nick?

I wouldn't have liked the game to end that way, because then you don't get to play anything. And playing the game is my favourite part of the Qforce experience :oui:

Gotta love Qwark's opera though emoji

"Nick's Animovies", hmm… Animovie, is that just a random name, or is your name actually Nick?

Yes, my name is Nick. The term "Animovie" is a cross between "Animation" and "Movies."

Do you people like surfing?

Do you people like surfing?

"You people" as Americans in general? Maybe. But I love it! Nothing beats boogie-boarding during hurricane season!
not reccomended, though–I've been sucked under water before!

I've only done this surfing.. years ago.

User image

I like surfing the Internet…

Yes, I'm also sure emoji!

To speak about surfing, I've just tried one time on the Mediterranean Sea in Spain, and that was great! I also love it!

Dang. All we get is Florida emoji

I do not like surfing. I do not like any water activities.

Why not?

It stems from me having a fear of drowning as a youngster. The sea is just so massive and deep! emoji

"Water, my arch nemesis"

But.. you're surrounded by it.