Thread: Really Random thread

My study is 4 years officially. But I'm doing it "sped up" in 3,5. That's why emoji

Do you go to an art school or is theatre a hobby of yers?

Everyone's talking about finals… while the semester here ends with January.

So at this point I just spent two out of four weekdays (so far) performing in a theatre for schools from the region, and tomorrow we are performing for our school. And everyone loves it! The school performance is the third best day of December after Christmas and my birthday (not in that particular order). As a twist of fate, my birthday actually is tomorrow, which makes it a kind of special day.

Semester end here also in January (Greece).
What kind of play are you performing in?

"My family and other animals" by Gerard Durell (we are adapting a book). It actually takes place in Greece emoji

Everyone's talking about finals… while the semester here ends with January.

So at this point I just spent two out of four weekdays (so far) performing in a theatre for schools from the region, and tomorrow we are performing for our school. And everyone loves it! The school performance is the third best day of December after Christmas and my birthday (not in that particular order). As a twist of fate, my birthday actually is tomorrow, which makes it a kind of special day.

Semester end here also in January (Greece).
What kind of play are you performing in?

"My family and other animals" by Gerard Durell (we are adapting a book). It actually takes place in Greece emoji

I know what I'll be reading in Christmas! emoji

Looks like people are having vacations. I'm also having a 2 week day-off. And Handem, I thought you come from Finland.

Looks like people are having vacations. I'm also having a 2 week day-off. And Handem, I thought you come from Finland.

Why? Although I suppose the life is better there but much colder than Greece.

I… don't exactly know why. It's just my random guess.

Deleted user

My last day of classes are tomorrow. So, it'll be nice to take a seat back and play some games

Tweet out #ratchetandclanksizematters and #secreatagentclank to #ps2ps4 @davehach @tglindqusit

I did that before I read this post emoji Hope it happens!

''But that's just a theory. A FILM theory!''

I was hoping the link was to a Frozen 2 trailer/teaser though. emoji

I was hoping the link was to a Frozen 2 trailer/teaser though. emoji

I thought that too. Then I got really disappointed…

I thought that too…then I got relieved emoji

Relieved? This is a grave disappointment! More Frozen pleaseemoji

Well it's officially Christmas in 3 minutes from me posting this message! (In my time-zone)

I have decided to stay up late on this night so that I don't have to wait through the morning to get to the presents. I can just sleep in right through to the exact moment I am needed to be awake to open the presents.

Haha, well. Have fun. Hopefully you have something nice waiting in your stocking… Or under the tree. I don't know the usual. emoji