Just to clarify one thing, as a game ACiT is pretty good, and I reckon that. My gripe with it is as a R&C game. Let's go down the list:
Alister Azimuth: At this point, Ratchet is not the same guy he was in ToD, he doesn't say jokes, he doesn't insult the bad-guys and he's all serious and emotional.
This wasn't much of a problem since Qwark was there to serve as a replacement, but then the game nose-dives into seriousness and drama.
Honestly, I think ACiT would've been a much better game if it focused on Ratchet and Qwark's adventure to find Clank, but Alister isn't a contrast to ACiT's Ratchet, and that was what was so fun to watch in previous games, the contrast between Ratchet and Clank, the fact that Qwark and Alister never interact is a crime.
He was also not Ratchet's friend, the only reason he tagged along was because Ratchet knew Clank, who was in the Clock.
This was appearent by the "you have a family now" quote. It was so obvious they'd be opposing each other once Clank was rescued.
Arsenal: Half of it were ToD weapons, and from the original ones only 4 were fun to use.
Plot-Holes: Why did Tachyon look for Ratchet before looking for Azimuth? Why does Azimuth treat Tachyon like a stranger when Tachyon was raised in Fastoon? Was the war of Gimllick Valley 6 minutes old? Why did Ratchet drop Talwyn when in QfB it was shown he went directly to Breegus?
Gadgets: You get the Hoverboots and the Omnisoaker… I'm sure gameplay will be very diverse.
Clank segments: Most of the time when that "Meanwhile" appeared, I just got frustrated. Most of these segments are a drag.
Villains: Everyone except Nefarious does things, yet he gets the most screen-time. Good job.
Music: Even if you like the soundtrack, you can't deny that half of it ere remixes of the main theme.
And with that I activate my Quantum Deflector.
Now officially addicted to League of Legends.
Send help.