Thread: Favourite planet in Into The Nexus?

My favourite planet is Silox. I liked it so much. Especially for its dark world.

Yeah , this planet is established such as Notak from R&C:2 emoji
It is really magnific and i loved especially the deplacements with the jet pack.

My favourite planet is Silox. I liked it so much. Especially for its dark world.

Yeah , this planet is established such as Notak from R&C:2 emoji
It is really magnific and i loved especially the deplacements with the jet pack.

Different ways of thinking I guess (personally, Notak's my least favourite in GC).

My favorite planet would have to be Igliak aka the nostalgia planet. I love touring the museum and there were so many references from past games, that it put a smile on my face.

My favorite planet would have to be Igliak aka the nostalgia planet. I love touring the museum and there were so many references from past games, that it put a smile on my face.

I love the first part of the level (museum), but when it comes to the 'saving the city' section, it's just the weakest level in the whole game - especially compared to the original Meridian City.

Agreed. Sure they seemed to have run out of time on the city outside of areas you play in, but all of the areas you play in were really fun, especially the museum and the battle section.

The game just blew me away overall, considering how much they did for such a short project.

Silox. I loved the dark, abandoned and haunted feel it had. looked really cool.

Its also has a cool name!

Silox. I loved the dark, abandoned and haunted feel it had. looked really cool.

I totally agree with you there!