Thread: Pretty Random Movie Thread

I still like the old Drek's more sensible personality better at this point (I know nothing of any spoilers, but Drek seems way more unstable in the trailers). But I was never actually opposed to his new design. I always saw it as just as good as the old one… this is probably just the first time I have said anything about his design.

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That drawing is Qwarking raising a cell with Drek as it seems inside. Culd this mean that Drek gets in jail this time and not killed or missing? Or is this just Qwark canon?

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He's no bunny! Actually… he's a lombax!

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JAT and DK interviewed together

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So evil! Why all the sheeping around though?

Did they just spoil…Drek's…?

Did they just spoil…Drek's…?

I have not read the novel so I am only speculating. And I don't think that spoiled anything since I don't know what happened yet. Now you put it in my head. Thank you. You monster.

Did they just spoil…Drek's…?

I have not read the novel so I am only speculating. And I don't think that spoiled anything since I don't know what happened yet. Now you put it in my head. Thank you. You monster.

That's a crayon drawing, I can see how you mistook it for a picture after all Qwark's drawings are very lifelike.

Yo, guys! Check out Animovie Ratchet's tumblr. There's a crapton of delicious (but spoilery, so beware) new images for the movie, and in high quality, too!

Wildgirl, I think you'll like this one in particular:

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I just love the look Cora's giving Ratchet! emoji

Yo, guys! Check out Animovie Ratchet's tumblr. There's a crapton of delicious (but spoilery, so beware) new images for the movie, and in high quality, too!

Wildgirl, I think you'll like this one in particular:

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I just love the look Cora's giving Ratchet! emoji

you 've nailed it in full emoji when I'd see this clip :oui:

Hey, guys, check out the Ratchet Movie twitter. There's a slightly extended version of one of the new TV spots:

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Marketing…marketing everywhere!

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Marketing…marketing everywhere!

something they should do with this movie

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Marketing…marketing everywhere!

"MERCHANDISING! where the REAL money is made!"

Look everyone! It's Chairman Drek!

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