Thread: The Star Wars Thread

Am I too late for the Episode VII hype?

Seen it yet, Darkstar? emoji

Am I too late for the Episode VII hype?

Seen it yet, Darkstar? emoji

I wouldn't be on the internet if I hadn't emoji
It's REALLY good, tied with Episode V for my favourite Star Wars movie.
My only real complaints are with Phasma and the fact that the movie ended too soon (I just can't wait until episode VIII to find out what happens!)

Of course, silly me ^^

I'm glad everybody voices their disappointment in Phasma. I'm sure the Directors have picked it up and will do something with the feedback. I've actually been watching Game of Thrones in hardcore mode because I wanted more Phasma! The same actress anyway… Close enough.emoji

I was in a tearoom with some people today (including one of our teachers, funnily enough), and from what I remember nobody gave a … about Phasma.
Frankly, neither did I. I only partially realized her importance a bit before the end of her screentime and fully after returning here.

Though my friend told me that Daniel Craig was credited as the voice for a Stormtrooper - one with the code JB007. Easter eggs much?

I think that's exactly the problem with Phasma.
She doesn't really do much and most of her dialogue consists of "Oh my men are the best they can handle anything".

Frankly, I think she had a lot of potential. Not only is she basically the best Stormtrooper ever, she's also the first real female villain in the series, at least when it comes to the movies.
Also she's the only villain so far with an emotional connection with the heroes, in this case Flinn.
Let's face it, while he is a cool character, you don't really want to see the heroes overcome Kylo Ren because none of them really have anything to do with him. That was one of the things that made Luke vs Darth Vader so engaging, Luke wasn't just fighting a random baddie who wanted to blow up some planets, he was fighting his own father.

I'm kind of hoping they make Phasma the main villain of Episode VIII actually, especially since I want Finn to have a bigger role (I found him to be pretty useless after Jakku in Episode VII).
Not bigger than Rey, obviously, but at least as big as Han Solo's role in Episode V.

Am I too late for the Episode VII hype?

Seen it yet, Darkstar? emoji

I wouldn't be on the internet if I hadn't emoji
It's REALLY good, tied with Episode V for my favourite Star Wars movie.
My only real complaints are with Phasma and the fact that the movie ended too soon (I just can't wait until episode VIII to find out what happens!)

Yep, I'm also waiting for Episode VIII. I'm just hoping that Finn becomes a real Jedi on the next episode. And Kylo Ren, if he survived VII, then he shall die on VIII.

I think that's exactly the problem with Phasma.
She doesn't really do much and most of her dialogue consists of "Oh my men are the best they can handle anything".

Frankly, I think she had a lot of potential. Not only is she basically the best Stormtrooper ever, she's also the first real female villain in the series, at least when it comes to the movies.
Also she's the only villain so far with an emotional connection with the heroes, in this case Flinn.
Let's face it, while he is a cool character, you don't really want to see the heroes overcome Kylo Ren because none of them really have anything to do with him. That was one of the things that made Luke vs Darth Vader so engaging, Luke wasn't just fighting a random baddie who wanted to blow up some planets, he was fighting his own father.

I'm kind of hoping they make Phasma the main villain of Episode VIII actually, especially since I want Finn to have a bigger role (I found him to be pretty useless after Jakku in Episode VII).
Not bigger than Rey, obviously, but at least as big as Han Solo's role in Episode V.

I really hope there will be an awesome battle between Finn and Phasma. And, obviously, I want Phasma to win. Something a bit like this.. (The tall woman is actually Phasma's actress: Gwendoline Christie).

I thought Phasma was going to be the cold blooded female villian of my dreams. Someone who can calmly say: ''Kill him'' to one of her soldiers to a man she knows is innocent. I'm a sucker for character like that and there are so few! I was okay with the amount of screentime she had, I raised my arms in the air like an Italian when she willingly turned the shields off. That ruined the movie for me for a few minutes. emoji

Am I too late for the Episode VII hype?

Seen it yet, Darkstar? emoji

I wouldn't be on the internet if I hadn't emoji
It's REALLY good, tied with Episode V for my favourite Star Wars movie.
My only real complaints are with Phasma and the fact that the movie ended too soon (I just can't wait until episode VIII to find out what happens!)

Yep, I'm also waiting for Episode VIII. I'm just hoping that Finn becomes a real Jedi on the next episode. And Kylo Ren, if he survived VII, then he shall die on VIII.

Uh…Finn wasn't the Jedi. Rey was! Finn didn't even press the right button to turn on the lightsaber! (granted, not many people saw it, but it still is a problem!)

Yet he still kicked Ren's arse, now how does that work?
Speaking of which, buddy of mine pointed out the coolest thing!

User image

Ren's Lightsaber is all lightningy, no? Not like the perfectly smooth Lightsabers you always see. It represend the chaos within him, he doesn't know how to properl build a Lightsaber yet. My buddy predicts Ren will have an ever more wicked Lightsaber in the next movie!

Yet he still kicked Ren's arse, now how does that work?

Ooh, I actually have a good response for this one!
I'll put it in spoiler tags just in case.

That's because the movie makes Kylo Ren look like Darth Vader, but he really isn't. Kylo Ren is just a kid who WANTS to be like Darth Vader (he even has Anakin's hair from Revenge of the Sith). The thing is that Darth Vader has been training and slaughtering for 20 years by the time Episode IV rolls around, in that case he earned his infamy.

Kylo Ren, by Episode VII, is the only person with force powers and a lightsaber who's still around, and no one dares to stand up to him because of scenes like the one where he destroys his computer like a child who didn't get what he wanted for Christmas emoji
Because of this, he hasn't really done anything ever since Luke went into exile, he's extremely rusty and that's implying he was even good in the first place.

Althugh Flinn didn't really kick Ren's arse, after all he was the one who ended up with a hole in his shoulder and without a spine.

And I wouldn't put Finn becoming a Jedi completely out of the question. There are some implications in the movie (and it's even more apparent in the novelisation) that Finn could use the Force, he's just not as good at it as Rey is.

Yet he still kicked Ren's arse, now how does that work?
Speaking of which, buddy of mine pointed out the coolest thing!

User image

Ren's Lightsaber is all lightningy, no? Not like the perfectly smooth Lightsabers you always see. It represend the chaos within him, he doesn't know how to properl build a Lightsaber yet. My buddy predicts Ren will have an ever more wicked Lightsaber in the next movie!

I just think she'll have hers. And luke will have his green one. Speaking of, that image wasn't even in the movie!

I just think she'll have hers. And luke will have his green one. Speaking of, that image wasn't even in the movie!

Or maybe Luke refuses to go back and he trains her while Finn and the others are doing stuff to stop the First Order?
Kind of like when Luke goes to train with Yoda in Empire Strikes Back.

And wasn't that image in one of Rey's visons.

I never knew there were already spoilers for episode VIII? Or maybe that guy on 9Gag was just trickong everyone…

It's related to Phasma (who we more or less know is coming back) and I suggest you don't dig into stuff around it.

Alright, I need your best explanations.

There are rumors spreading that Kylo Ren survived after the base blew up. And logically, it's impossible to survive an explosion that big. However, if the rumor turns out to be true, how did he manage to survive that huge explosion?

And for all you who have Twitter accounts, there is a parody account named Emo Kylo Ren, which is quite like Kylo's diary. I'd say the posts are quite funny.

Alright, I need your best explanations.

There are rumors spreading that Kylo Ren survived after the base blew up. And logically, it's impossible to survive an explosion that big. However, if the rumor turns out to be true, how did he manage to survive that huge explosion?

And for all you who have Twitter accounts, there is a parody account named Emo Kylo Ren, which is quite like Kylo's diary. I'd say the posts are quite funny.

They probably escaped on a ship like Rey and Finn. Snoke told them to bring Ren back so…