Thread: The Star Wars Thread

I just think she'll have hers. And luke will have his green one. Speaking of, that image wasn't even in the movie!

Or maybe Luke refuses to go back and he trains her while Finn and the others are doing stuff to stop the First Order?
Kind of like when Luke goes to train with Yoda in Empire Strikes Back.

And wasn't that image in one of Rey's visons.

No, that's the part where Finn is about to duel him. There was a lot of lines that weren't in the movie, like "Who are you?" "I'm no one." It seems they did a lot of retakes, but ended up using other stuff for commercial use.

Yeah, no surprises there. Ren will be back, Phasma can't be the only one who made it off that station.

As for your theory around the fight between Finn and Ren, Darkstar, that's a good one. Still, Finn was a little bit too good at parrying his blows.

Found this awesome reference in Dragon Age: Origins just now. emoji

''Aren't you a little short for a guard''
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Obviously a parody of:
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Speaking about Star Wars references, reminds me of one from the game Dead Island (no, I don't play it. I watched the gameplay in YouTube). One of the antagonists commanded the army to execute Protocol 66, which is to nuke the island to prevent the plague from spreading to the whole world.

Speaking about Star Wars references, reminds me of one from the game Dead Island (no, I don't play it. I watched the gameplay in YouTube). One of the antagonists commanded the army to execute Protocol 66, which is to nuke the island to prevent the plague from spreading to the whole world.

The term "protocol 66" was used by count dooku in the clone wars to refer to the Clone brain chips.

Oh, I see. So, they really built the Clone Army solely to decimate all Jedis.

Oh, I see. So, they really built the Clone Army solely to decimate all Jedis.

Yep, but 3 clones betrayed the order, and joining the last of the Jedi in the Rebellion.
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Pre order the digital version for the Bouncer (And a kind of lame theme) or pre order physical. just pre order one of them

Wait, did you mean the Ps4 background theme? How do I get that?

My mom bought me a nifty 'Guide to Force Awakens'. It has a couple interviews in it, among them is Gwendoline Christie (Cpt. Phasma). I'll translate ^^

Q: What's it like to be evil and what's going on behind the mask?
A: As an actor it's useless to label your character and think of her as evil, cause you will end up playing a stereotype. In her mind, Phasma enjoys her cruel actions, because she's the only female Stormtrooper with a rank. I can only imagine how hard it must have been for her to climb up to the rank of Captain. And that she was treated with the same cruelty she uses on her troops. This makes her think this is normal.

Holy shards, absolutely love that! Can't wait to see a conflicted Phasma in the next Episode emoji

My mom bought me a nifty 'Guide to Force Awakens'. It has a couple interviews in it, among them is Gwendoline Christie (Cpt. Phasma). I'll translate ^^

Q: What's it like to be evil and what's going on behind the mask?
A: As an actor it's useless to label your character and think of her as evil, cause you will end up playing a stereotype. In her mind, Phasma enjoy her cruel action, because she's the only female Stormtrooper with a rank. I can only imagine how hard it must have been for her to climb up to the rank of Captain. And that she was treated with the same cruelty she uses on her troops. This makes her think this is normal.

Holy shards, absolutely love that! Can't wait to see a conflicted Phasma in the next Episode emoji

Which is in… two years of time. Apparently The Rogue One is NOT the eighth episode, just a side story, and the next episode comes a year after that. The next year - Han Solo Anthology (whatever that means), and finally after that episode IX.

Think they already confirmed Rogue One was a spinoff back when it was announcedemoji
I like how that one has a female protsgonist too.

"Have six movies with a male lead in a row and nobody bats an eye…
…give 2 movies in a row a female protagonist and everybody loses their minds"

Scr– the haters, I like having some more strong female leads in my time.

Then I suggest you watch "Rebels" :oui:

Orange blue hair dude already ruined it for me. What was it? Sena, Zora, Sura.. Something like that… Ezra! That's it.

Orange blue hair dude already ruined it for me. What was it? Sena, Zora, Sura.. Something like that… Ezra! That's it.

He is a bit annoying (and Alladin-y). If you think that's bad, just wait till ya see what they done with Sabine's hair!
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Haha, ice queen!

Just went to Force Awakens a second time with my grandfather! We had the theatre all to our selves! Well, almost anyway. Just 4 other groups, but they were quiet.
I'm starting to appreciate Kylo Ren a bit more, watching it a second time without Phasma garbagechute distraction I've realized it's a great movie. Not the best in the series, but great none the less. I figured I'd do a top-5 Star Wars characters, yes?

Top-05 Movies

5. Darth Vader
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4. Han Solo
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3. Maz Kanata
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2. Obi-Wan Kenobi
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1. Captain Phasma
Whatever happened in the movie, I still love this character. I love her essence and what she represents. A strong female commander on the Dark Side!
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Top-05 Expanded Universe
5. Bastila Shan
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4. Darth Zannah
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3. Juno Eclipse
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2. Mara Jade
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1. Starkiller
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