Thread: The Star Wars Thread

STAR WARS: The J.A.T. Awakens!

There will be a Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens video game. I'm in!

There will be a Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens video game. I'm in!

Me too! But I wonder why they've done one for every saga except Rebels… emoji

There will be a Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens video game. I'm in!

Me too! But I wonder why they've done one for every saga except Rebels… emoji

Maybe they were working on Force Awakens already? Might come later, Clone Wars was seasons 1 to 3 as well, right?

In other news, Spaceballs: The Schwartz Awakens minght be in the making emoji

"May the Schwartz be with you"
"How many A**holes do we have in this ship?!"

There will be a Deluxe Edition of LEGO The Force Awakens, which includes a… season pass. Fantastic. It confirms the game will be released incomplete.

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WHAT?! For ten years I've trusted you, TT!

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There will be a Deluxe Edition of LEGO The Force Awakens, which includes a… season pass. Fantastic. It confirms the game will be released incomplete.

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Yeah… I'll just stick with the original Lego Star Wars…

Any of you dare to sacrifice your money and buy the game, just to see if it's worth the money or not?

Later, yes.
I'm hoping the season pass is just for random cr– like skins and multiplayer things. Since it's only an extra €10 for the Deluxe edition. If there endings and main quests, aka the EA-way, I'm outemoji

Yeah, I don't mind about skins or multiplayer stuff, as long as they don't mess with the single player.

I would find it a little strange if they added extra missions. I mean, it's there. You can't add missions that don't exist in the movie.

Yeah, I don't mind about skins or multiplayer stuff, as long as they don't mess with the single player.

To be honest, in a game like Lego, I kind of do.
The main appeal of the Lego games, at least to me, is revisiting stages in Free Play mode and playing with all of my favourite characters. It'd suck if some of those characters were locked away behind a pay wall.

True. It wouldbe cheap like Smash Brothers. Characters are for unlocking, not purchase!

I, personally, wouldn't mind it too much. I only play the single player campaign and leave it at that. But I mind that others have to mind.