Thread: my backup plan

When you hit the enter key it creates a new line. I had to press enter multiple times in that hex code to separate it on to new lines, however the code will not actually work unless these are removed, and all of the text is merged into one big line to be copied into the dialog box.

I hope that wasn't too confusing :oui:

Okay, I followed your instructions and read it. All I have to say is that my mind blown away right now. It is a really nice ending but the whole game setting feels like the ACiT one. Was it supposed to be this instead of ACiT? Is this canon? Who found this? What is this site? Who wrote this and how did it end up in that site? In which part of timeline was this supposed to happen? Too many questions, I know! Lastly, are we allowed to talk about this here?

Hey, what an interesting ending. I actually hope that the players can choose to either kill Tachyon, send him to Zordoom, or trap him inside the other dimension.

Last but not least, I hate you, Tachyon. I don't mind if he dies.

Don't kill Neffy, plox

Okay, I followed your instructions and read it. All I have to say is that my mind blown away right now. It is a really nice ending but the whole game setting feels like the ACiT one. Was it supposed to be this instead of ACiT? Is this canon? Who found this? What is this site? Who wrote this and how did it end up in that site? In which part of timeline was this supposed to happen? Too many questions, I know! Lastly, are we allowed to talk about this here?

Can someone PM it to me? I still can't get it to work…

I tried it once, messed up somewhere, way too much work to do it again.

I tried it once, messed up somewhere, way too much work to do it again.

I'll pm ya emoji

For those who have problems getting the right result, here it is:

the games were going to tie up with ratchet and clank deciding to activate the d
imensionator to visit the lombaxes and bring them home. everything is well with
the lombaxes, and ratchet learns his lombax name, liam. clank continues to call
him ratchet, however. not long after getting to know some family friends, ratche
t discovers that the dimension the lombaxes live in is incredibly unstable, and
appears to be falling apart. after ratchet helps the lombaxes get their dimensio
nator going to get them all back home, tachyon and artemis show up as some forms
of higher beings, and they steal the technology and use it to escape back home
themselves. from this point on, ratchet and clank set out to help the lombaxes b
uild another dimensionator, and repair the damage done to the machines that keep
the universe from collapsing. after a fair bit of fighting strange creatures an
d helping restore the lombax technology they return home at last. but it is too
late and a long time has passed since artemis and tachyon returned. the univers
e has come under their rule and been segregated into two halves. it is all up to
ratchet and clank to save the universe, but unfortunately all is not well among
the two heroes, as ratchets instincts have started to show, and his harsh natur
e starts to make a comeback. meanwhile a group of lombax scientists have grouped
together with clank, in the hopes of learning a thing or two from this kind nat
ured robot. so the player can now play two campaigns from this point on. ratchet
and his family out for revenge against the incredibly powerful tachyon, or clan
k and his new lombax friends on a quest to convince artemis to become a better p
erson, and help them fight tachyon. eventually ratchet finds himself very lonely
and very outnumbered by tachnyons forces, which leads him to seeing many of his
people die. after a few terrible losses ratchet is captured and forced to fight
in an arena set up by tachyon for his troops entertainment. not long after this
clank returns to save ratchet and bring him around to redeem artemis. before yo
u know it the two heroes combined manage to fight through some security forces a
nd stop artemis and his plan to use a galaxybuster to blow up tachyons half of t
he galaxy. after some convincing artemis is swayed by ratchet and clank to fight
tachyon directly. and so in a final assault against tachyon, ratchet clank arte
mis and the lombaxes that were working with clank take down tachyons fortress an
d confront the villain. to this end tacyon manages to fatally wound artemis, who
admits to the heroes that he wasnt much different from tachyon all along, and f
eels better knowing he could help ratchet and clank do some good in the world. a
nd so here ratchet and clank stand before all the freed prisoner lombaxes that w
orked with ratchet, and all the kind lombaxes that followed clank. the final bat
tle begins and tachyon is barely defeated once and for all. but then the heroes
are stuck for what to do. ratchets team is trying to tell ratchet to kill tachyo
n, while clanks team is telling ratchet to send him to zordoom. after a bit of t
hinking about it ratchet decides to trap tachyon in the lombax dimension forever

I am really confused… emoji Why does this site exist? Who made it? How does it exactly work? Can it answer any possible question regarding this universe and beyond? Is it an endless source of information? Was it made by aliens? Was it created by superior 4 dimensional beings to help simple mortals understand life?
But all in all, nice story.

I have those same questions… But yeah it's pretty cool!

Deleted user

It seems as if we have uncovered something significant out of an insignificant thread. Great job everyone! And a big thanks to ratchetruler for uncovering this!

Deleted user

While reading this thread the opening credits theme from the matrix keeps going through my head, LOL. I have one question for Ratchetruler, where the heck did you discover this, and how does it work?! Also now because of this I have an unsettling feeling about what could be buried anywhere.

Maybe someone found a very creative way of posting their fanfic?

So.. Is this a real thing or a fan with waaay too much time?

So.. Is this a real thing or a fan with waaay too much time?

Well… I doubt TJ would actually make Ratchet's name "Liam"…

This sounds cool but for all we know this could be fan-fiction. There's no use in drumming something up as official if we have no real proof about it.

So.. Is this a real thing or a fan with waaay too much time?

Well… I doubt TJ would actually make Ratchet's name "Liam"…

Yeah, exactly. But since everyone is so excited about it, I started to doubt.