Thread: Nefarious and Lawrence

Deleted user

Everyone knows, that Lawrence hates Nefarious… But does anyone knows how Lawrence start work for Nefarious?
Did Nefarious build Lawrence himself?
Or does Lawrence decide himself to working for Nefarious?

Write your oponion (or true about this), if you want to emoji

my guess is that nefarious build lawrence but I could be wrong

There are theories that Nefarious employed Lawrence, otherwise he's probably have programmed him to, umm, not hate him. But whether he was employed so he could earn himself bolts, or if Nefarious kidnapped him, or something else, I'm not sure. emoji

I cant remember if I saw this right, but in one of the cutscenes in one of the Qwark games in UYA, I think Lawrence was organic like nefarious was and then was probably later turned into a robot too, again, like nefarious

I cant remember if I saw this right, but in one of the cutscenes in one of the Qwark games in UYA, I think Lawrence was organic like nefarious was and then was probably later turned into a robot too, again, like nefarious

I don't think so, he was always a robot. No way he whould want to be Dr. Nefarious's butler if he was humain emoji

Deleted user

yeah, I believe Lawrence was always a robot… and for some reason I always thought Nefarious created him himself, long ago while he was still organic, but Lawrence constantly insults Nefarious under his nose and such… but still works for him and saves his butt constantly.

So yeah, no one knows where he came from o.O

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I always thought that Nefarious just created Lawrence when he was human back then. My theory is after Nefarious passed his biology class and dealing with Qwark's ego jerkness, he created Lawrence and built more mechanical/artifical beings to adore those more than life forms.

Quite predictable yes, but that could be one theory about how Lawrence came into Nefarious' life.

Well, being how the Ratchet and Clank universe works, I'm going to say that Lawrence is just an employee. Both organics and robots live the same lives as each other. They both work, have families (however that works with tin cans), and have daily lives like our own. So I think he's just doin' his job just to pay the bills and what not, though, If I was in his shoes, I would have left Nefarious a long while ago (srsly, I rather not have my skin harmed than working with a nutjob).

I'm not really well-acquainted with the universe (only ToD and ACiT) but somehow it seems as if Lawrence was a living being (I mean, organic being X) once and then Nefarious turned him into a robot. So now Lawrence has to serve him because of some additional programming or because he just wants to turn his original self again X)

Deleted user

heh yeah it's quite interesting coming up with theories on why and how Lawrence started working for Nefarious… it's one of natures err, I mean - science's mysteries! (ok that didn't sound so good, lol)

But yeah even SweetT may be right… but even then, Lawrence does seem forced to work for Nefarious a lot of the time too.

Deleted user

In my oponion. I think Nefarious built Lawrence. And Lawrence start to think of his own.

I always used to think Nefarious built Lawrence for some reason but ended up thinking for himself over time, but I dont really know! bt Lawrence still helps Nwfarious, even though he dislikes him!

Well maybe Lawrence left High Roboschool and went down the money and property ladders and….
Coming to a fanfic near you!

lol i adore lawrence and his "relationship" with nefarious. i love the end with "bass odysesy" lol to funny. " 'i dont suppose you cna play the drums sir?' 'Lawrence!!!!!! (short circuits) oh janice….' " XD oh and lawrence was a robot enslaved by nefarious. theres a device in lawrence when he was built by nefarious similar to dead lock collars in deadlocked. thats why lawrence doesnt leave his master.

lol i adore lawrence and his "relationship" with nefarious. i love the end with "bass odysesy" lol to funny. " 'i dont suppose you cna play the drums sir?' 'Lawrence!!!!!! (short circuits) oh janice….' " XD oh and lawrence was a robot enslaved by nefarious. theres a device in lawrence when he was built by nefarious similar to dead lock collars in deadlocked. thats why lawrence doesnt leave his master.

where did you hear that?

EXTREME Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Spoilers

It's explained why Lawrence sticks with Nefarious in A4O. Remember how he flees when the Z'grute is reanimated "I think it's time to tender my resignation"

and then he saves Nefarious in the end saying "I hope you don't mind but, well… It turns out the evil sidekick market is a bit thin these days. I don't suppose there's room in you're employ for one more?"