Thread: Introduce yourself

Name: Maurice (no i am not french)
Location: Groningen, The Netherlands
Age: 13(might sound young but hey, who is me to blame to be a RaC fan)
Occupation: homework (" />

Hello, i am Maurice (no i am not french emoji )tough i am only 13, doesn't mean i can't blast alien scum to oblivion emoji

i've started playing RaC since 2001, my father had won an Ps2 and bought 3 games: Ratchet and Clank, Rayman 2 and… some racing game i forgot the name off.

Tough he did forget to buy an memory card, so i never got any further then Metropolis the first 2 weeks emoji well, i always was playing RaC ever since (RaC 3 and the rest were nearly all day one purchases)

I also like to play MMORPG's,Mabinogi in particulair

Well, this is about what i have to tell, unless you wanna hear my favourite food

Welcome to Ratchet Galaxy,Corrupt Lombax!And be sure to check the General Etiquette thread in the "General Discussions" forum. emoji

Nice to meet u hope u enjoy ur stay

Deleted user

CorruptLombax it's alright that you're young! I think i'm the youngest one on this site! emoji

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Hey and welcome to RG CorruptLombax emoji hope you enjoy your stay here

I'm sorry for not being around here much too everyone, BTW. But I do check by everyday to make sure there is no trouble going on emoji I've just been busy with some jobs and also catching up with lots of old friends on another site…

Thank you guys, its always nice to get an welcome! :oui:

I think i'm the youngest one on this site!

Well,you're not alone.I'm 11 years old as well.In fact,I'm turning 12 this month.

We may be young,but that dosen't stop us from loving Ratchet and Clank to pieces. emoji

Hi! My name is Christine. I'm 17, aspergers and Ratchet-crazy! emoji
Hope I have fun here.

Deleted user

Welcome to RatchetGalaxy KiwiLombax15, enjoy your stay.. oh and i also have aspergers syndrome.

No kidding! So did Albert Einstien! Nice to know I'm not alone…

Deleted user

Welcome to Ratchet Galaxy, KiwiLombax! Great to see more people from New Zealand around here too emoji (I'm from there, btw)

Hope you enjoy yourself here as well, and have fun emoji

I plan to.
Did you hear about the mine disaster :'(
My heart goes out to the families…

Deleted user

yeah I did yesterday (about the second explodesion) emoji it was really sad to hear about, and it's still sad seeing it on the news here too.

But yeah I'll also try and be a bit more active around here too emoji to welcome any other newcomers, heh (and approve stuff as well!)

Deleted user

I think i'm the youngest one on this site!

Well,you're not alone.I'm 11 years old as well.In fact,I'm turning 12 this month.

We may be young,but that dosen't stop us from loving Ratchet and Clank to pieces. emoji

No matter how old you are you should be able to love anything you want to. Although, it is a surprise to see that their are fans younger than 13 years old being RC is rated T for teens. I love Ratchet & Clank, as well as many other series' like Jak and Daxter, Uncharted, Resistance, Infamous, Resident Evil, etc.

And welcome all new members alike!

*Pops in*

Hello! Since the forum I frequent most often is down, I decided to check this place out! emoji

My name is Jamie, and… Well, I haven't played a R&C game yet… emoji

HOWEVER, I am planning on getting Tools Of Destruction to start off with, and if I like it, I'll get the rest! But not all at once, mind you… Unless I find them dirt cheap somewhere 8D

… As for spoilers… I'll be careful :oui:

Well, I guess I'll see you guys around! emoji