Messages: 40
Who do you think is the most annoying Ratchet and Clank characters? I think Dr.Nafarious and Qwark are. No offense if you like them. By the way this is my first thread. :oui:
Messages: 40
Who do you think is the most annoying Ratchet and Clank characters? I think Dr.Nafarious and Qwark are. No offense if you like them. By the way this is my first thread. :oui:
Messages: 156
I dont really think any one is annoying but i guess sometimes quark can be a little annoying.
Messages: 88
I think Qwark and Neffy are annoying too, mainly Qwark who is the universe's biggest suck up…sometimes. But still, cutsenes with them are funny because of their annoying personalities
I would have to say Qwark. He always bothers Ratchet in some way or another.
Messages: 3875
Annoys ME? Well Qwark annoys every one else in R&C (and that be the reason why he annoys all of you i would guess ) but he does not bother me (in the first game he was not a very nice, or funny or even FUN. He was just an unlikeable JERK. But he changed
) Qwark is funny and pathetic now. Yea sure he goes on about how cool he is… But i'm sure it is meant to be funny. Not annoying.
As for Dr. Nefarious? No, he is funny strange a nutter a bit crazy and… OKAY he is completly out of his mind! And at times a real… How do i put this? Well just purely scary freeky evil. (like when he is being comletly serious) Nefarious is probably my favourate and quite fankly… Even Clank is more annoying than Nefarious! (and by the way Clank is not too annoying IMO)
As for the character that annoys ME PERSONALLY??? Well i don't really know? Early Qwark was a pain to listern to but he is different now? Soo i would have to go with… *ten minutes later* AZIMUTH! Yep Azimuth annoys me! Many many people can disagree, but he really does truely bother me!
In the way that he was just a big neusence! Qwark did more good than Azimuth in this game! In the begining he is all secretive, and i suppose he is trying to be polite and help Ratchet and all… BUT he was watching over Ratchet soo much! Do this do that… DONT do this DONT EVEN CONSIDER THAT!.. You get the idea? He kept telling Ratchet what to do. He didn't even stop to think about Ratchet's ideas. Even Ratchet got fed up with Azimuth in Krell Canyon! Then when Clank comes back and tells Azimuth that the Clock is not desighned to alter time he storms off like a baby (hurting Ratchet emotionally) and doesn't even say a word! Then there is the whole Vorselon thing! Where Ratchet frees Azimuth and Azimuth is telling Ratchet he was risking too much (and at the end Azimuth was prepared to risk the entire universe) throughout the game he causes all sorst of trouble. And the only two things i could think he did any good at was saving Ratchet (then killing him soon after) and stopping the Clock from the time shift (that he initiated). I try to see him in the most possitive ways… But there just aren't enough…
and that is why Azimuth annoys me. But i do say, it sure was hard because IG make some fun and enjoyable characters :oui:
I gotta say qwark even if he is funny but he's still annoying ^^;
Messages: 13
ye qwark is probable the most annoying he just goes on how awsome he is, like in secret agent clank he just makes up stuipd stories and you have to play then wats that about!! id rather just be clank and ratchet but somepeople can disagree! but my probable the most annyoing is nefariouse!! because he just is always shouting! and completely off his head!! all the time and his plans are just hilarouise i just laugh when i hear wat hes going to do the universe next
Time is a gift, and it itself is not to be tampered with!
I could see why majority of you think Nefarious and Qwark are annoying in the series. Even if Nefarious overly yells too much and Qwark shows his ego all the time, but both characters do provide the most "burst out laughing" comical sequences in the Ratchet and Clank games. Overall, I don't find those two annoying at all.
But moving on, there hasn't been too many characters in Ratchet and Clank that had annoyed me, but there are a few. Which are:
1. Vernon (Ratchet Deadlocked)
Some members know already from my Ratchet and Clank meme (made by SweetT on DA) that I hate this character. For those who don't, I find Vernon's voice and attitude incredibly obnoxious. Even if he had little screen time in Deadlocked, I still found the character annoying.
2. The Smuggler's Parrot (Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction)
Not as annoying as Vernon just because the parrot does provide some funny quotes in TOD, but I do have to admit that hearing him talk will give you quite a migraine. So I agree with Clank that somebody should kill that parrot.
3. Jarvis (Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time)
There's nothing too annoying with this character, except for one quote he says repeatedly when you are hover booting in Axiom City in activating those switches.
I guess I get annoyed by the minor characters way more than the major ones.
Messages: 3875
The Parrot i never found annoying? But i can see how you would I don't get annoyed very easily… As for Jarvus? I like his name, thats one really really really cool name
But yea i was gonna say he annoyed me ("Removing safeguard and nav syncing… NOW"
But he still does not annoy me at all compared to… AZIMUTH
Haha Qwark is easily the most annoying at times but he is also the funniest at times too :p so I don't mind him much!
But I agree with Tipsy, Vernon (the kid) from DL was very annoying and unlikable XD how dare he insult Ace! lol jk.
And the Parrot was annoying too, though not as much…
And yeah, can't think of any other annoying characters right now been a while since I played the games…
The Parrot i never found annoying. But i can see how you wouldI don't get annoyed very easily… As for Jarvus? I like his name, thats one really really really cool name
But yea i was gonna say he annoyed me ("Removing safeguard and nav syncing… NOW"
But he still does not annoy me at all compared to… AZIMUTH
You just loathe Alister that much now don't you Ruler?
But seriously though, you've at least made some interesting points in why Azimuth is annoying to begin with. I never found him that annoying at first, but replaying ACIT again made me realize of how he can be with his stubborn or hypocritical behavior, plus saying "Lombaxes" in every sentence that comes out of his mouth.
I wonder if Alister can be more obnoxious than Ratchet's jerk attitude in Ratchet and Clank 1?
Messages: 3875
The Parrot i never found annoying. But i can see how you wouldI don't get annoyed very easily… As for Jarvus? I like his name, thats one really really really cool name
But yea i was gonna say he annoyed me ("Removing safeguard and nav syncing… NOW"
But he still does not annoy me at all compared to… AZIMUTH
You just loathe Alister that much now don't you Ruler?
But seriously though, you've at least made some interesting points in why Azimuth is annoying to begin with. I never found him that annoying at first, but replaying ACIT again made me realize of how he can be with his stubborn or hypocritical behavior, plus saying "Lombaxes" in every sentence that comes out of his mouth.
I wonder if Alister can be more obnoxious than Ratchet's jerk attitude in Ratchet and Clank 1?![]()
well i never use to hate him. I always felt sorry for him (he only wanted to do good and help) but while i was thinking of someone that annoyed me i realised! Azimuth is just the evilest evil that ever… Well actually he isn't that evil. He just doesn't to much good to the universe… But hey he did something good! He
died. Now now let me explain! Upon dieing Ratchet took his wrench. And we all know how much good his wrench provides for Ratchet in the comics! So that is something good!
Captain Qwark for sure.He acts cowardly and he tries to make the others think that he saved the world etc.
Questions questions questions,you ask all these questions.Ask yourself this.
Hope I don't get flamed for this one, but I'll add Susie from All 4 One on the annoying list of characters from the R&C series. She may have been helpful, but her voice is quite excruciating. I still think Vernon from Deadlocked is the most obnoxious character from Ratchet and Clank, so I would put Susie as a runner up.
Messages: 3875
Hope I don't get flamed for this one, but I'll add Susie from All 4 One on the annoying list of characters from the R&C series. She may have been helpful, but her voice is quite excruciating. I still think Vernon from Deadlocked is the most obnoxious character from Ratchet and Clank, so I would put Susie as a runner up.
oh no, good thing that wasn't little susie!.. Oh wait, it was.
I agree actually, she bugged me. But it wasn't just the voice, it was nearly everything about her. She was just not funny, and she kinda made the game feel a bit childish at times. I have to boost her above AA because she was just one annoying little pest in A4O.