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Welcome David hope you like it here, oh and by the way, thank god you appeared I was afraid that I would be the only Portuguese here.
Welcome David hope you like it here, oh and by the way, thank god you appeared I was afraid that I would be the only Portuguese here.
Messages: 382
Welcome to Ratchet Galaxy, David, Enjoy your stay here!
Messages: 3875
welcome those which are new that I have not welcomed! (which is a large number of you)
David, I see you are new to the series. I can tell you, you will love it. It's a shame you never got the games on PS2, in their original form. But hey, they'll be in HD and 3D! I have not gotten to play Spyro much, just a bit of Spyro 1 my friend loaned to me for a while. It would look nice on my PSP, but Sony can't be bothered making the games PSOne classics
Messages: 30
I've been a fan of the R&C series for a long time, but only recently i've found this great "fansite".
Let us get to business. My name is Roy and I'm from Belgium.
Not only a fan of these series, but these series are nr.1 on my ranking tho .
As of late I'm getting my own R&C collection going and I must say it's getting there.
Anyways, I'm looking forward to some chitchat on this forum.
Messages: 947
Messages: 382
Welcome to Ratchet Galaxy Roy! Enjoy you're stay here and have fun!
Messages: 2
hello my name is erick and i like canadians. I play ratchet and clank so much that i only shower once a week. Ratchet and clank is the world to me and without it i have no purpse. a butterfly without its wings. my favorite way to play is naked but sometimes i dress up like clank. I made a costume out of scrap mettle i stole from my neibors plumming. to anybody reading this i would like to be your freind. The kids at school used to bully me untill i killed them with my omniwrench. I also make a mean nutella sandwich. I love ratchet and clank so much. Please play with me. Og-flyingbrick
Messages: 382
Hey, welcome to Ratchet Galaxy, erick! enjoy your stay here
Messages: 14
Hey I'm Max.
I don't know how to change the picture over there.
And the first RAC game is my favorite
Messages: 9
Hey! I'm Danny and I'm 18 years old. I lead a pretty hectic life but in my spare time I enjoy playing videogames. I didn't get into Ratchet for a long time despite wanting to since it came out. I also enjoy Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot, Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter, and lots of other games, those are just my favorites.
Messages: 5964
Welcome my friend!
Hello! So yeah some people from english forums probably already recognize me, but anyways I guess it's better late than never to introduce myself.
So I'm rolfxd and I'm a 17 years old guy from Finland studying to become a electrician. As my spare time interests I could list gym and playing games. I got into R&C a bit after the first game came out and after Gladiator/Deadlocked I pretty much forgot this awesome series. But now lately I decided to play the first game again for memories and as you can see it really hit the spot again. So I ordered the Future series games and now just waiting that they drop to my mailbox anyday!
I would also like to ask something, why the French forums have so much larger user base? :o Is there any specific reason for that or do the frenchs just like R&C more than rest of the world? (I know this might be a stupid question with some simple geological reason or something )
Check my YT for my RC fan vids etc.