Messages: 58
I miss the original ratchet from the first game…
Messages: 58
I miss the original ratchet from the first game…
Yep he looks very similar,I hopeey change his look in the next game since I'm not a big fan of his current appearance
Messages: 5964
Yep he looks very similar,I hopeey change his look in the next game since I'm not a big fan of his current appearance
No, me neither. It looks really cool on the concept art and stuff. But just not in the game itself. Though in QForce Ratchet looked very awesome imo. But Clank and especially Qwark.. just no
I was talking about Ratchet's new design with my friends today and we started to argue over which design was better, overall we couldn't decide, but the ones who liked the new design more simply said that they were thankful Ratchet was heading in this direction DX. So I thought, why doesn't the team who worked on the Future series continues making the classic, single-player formula with the art-style we all know and love, while the team who worked on All 4 One continues making multi-player games with the current art-style? They could release a new Future series installment while the other team works on the next game, then in the next year the other multi-player game would be released and the next traditional game would start development. EVERYBODY WINS. And not only that, but a new Ratchet and Clank game each year
Messages: 5964
Thats sounds awesome! Now that they are almost done with Fuse…
I see that the creators get kinda bored with the same gameplay the whole time. I also understand that they wanted to continue because of the huge fanbase and so they tried to change the gameplay a bit to make it more interessting for themselves to create. But after these 2 spinoffs in a row, I think its time for Ratchet to find the Lombaxes ánd Orvus. Or at least try
Messages: 3875
First of all they consider Fuse a series, and they said they will be supporting that new series. So they will probably make a sequel. I somehow doubt they will split the series into two completely different paths, then each game would be half as good wouldn't it?
And secondly A4O and FFA are not spin-offs, Insomniac made them with the intention of them being apart of the main series, though just not focusing on the Lombaxes, I mean the first 4 games didn't focus on the Lombaxes, so does that mean they aren't a part of the main series?
I don't know how this thread is still going to be honest? I mean it's been answered a number of times. Yes he looks the same, Insomniac changed the art style in A4O and didn't cahnge it back in ACiT. This game is like QFB; they didn't have to redo the graphics and everything, saving heaps of time and money. This meant this game could be more profitable than the disaster that was A4O. (Even know it was a great game)
Messages: 5964
Since the gameplay is fully different, they are spinoffs. Super Mario and Mario Kart are 2 sepered series. On which Mario Kart is the spinoff. In Ratchet Gladiator would formaly be a spinoff since its a gladiator style gameplay, SAC is a spinoff since you play as a fictional Clank and A4O and QForce are also spinoffs that have nothing in common but the design. 2 different gameplay styles, 2 different spinoffs. So imo not a sepered series.
For the Lombax part. It has the same gameplay style as the other original Ratcet games. On which Future is a new chapter of the same book. Sequels add new stuff to the story, just a new piece in the timeline. So there are 4 spinoffs. Gladiator, Secret Agent Clank, QForce and All 4 One.
Messages: 3875
Since the gameplay is fully different, they are spinoffs. Super Mario and Mario Kart are 2 sepered series. On which Mario Kart is the spinoff. In Ratchet Gladiator would formaly be a spinoff since its a gladiator style gameplay, SAC is a spinoff since you play as a fictional Clank and A4O and QForce are also spinoffs that have nothing in common but the design. 2 different gameplay styles, 2 different spinoffs. So imo not a sepered series.
For the Lombax part. It has the same gameplay style as the other original Ratcet games. On which Future is a new chapter of the same book. Sequels add new stuff to the story, just a new piece in the timeline. So there are 4 spinoffs. Gladiator, Secret Agent Clank, QForce and All 4 One.![]()
You and I have two different ideas of what a spin-off really is. I see it in the stories perspective. If it is set in the same universe with the same main character and the creators made it with the intention that it not be divided into a sub-series, and all of the future games will follow these games, then no it's not a spin-off. But if the creators created the game with the intention that it be cast aside from the main series, then yes it is. It's mostly about what Insomniac were going for, and they were going for a new Ratchet & Clank game with a gameplay twist.
Secret Agent Clank is a perfect example of what I consider a spin-off. You play as Clank in a world that makes no sense in the Ratchet series, for some reason you are working with an agency which doesn't actually exist to take down enemies which also don't have a real home in the Ratchet universe.
Ratchet: Deadlocked could be considered a spin-off, it's up the the fans to decide that one, unlike A4O and FFA Insomniac have not said "this is in the main series, it counts as an adventure Ratchet took part in." But it does fit into Ratchet's world, and Insomniac (as far as I know) have not said anything about it being a spin-off. So that one is up to us weather we consider it a spin-off or not.
Messages: 5964
I might not really have ment to be a spinoff, but in my eyes it sure is. The gameplay is the most important part of the game in the end and if that changes… its a complete different game.
So to me A4O and FFA are spinoffs.
I usually like the spinoffs better, but not in the Ratchet franchise.
I might not really have ment to be a spinoff, but in my eyes it sure is. The gameplay is the most important part of the game in the end and if that changes… its a complete different game.
So to me A4O and FFA are spinoffs.
I usually like the spinoffs better, but not in the Ratchet franchise.![]()
I'd rather agree with Ratchetruler on what's a spin-off. You forgot about Size Matters. It has the same gameplay, almost identical graphic style - and everyone calls it a spin-off. Insomniac Games (althrought changed gameplay style in 55%) didn't mean to make A4O, as well as FFA a spin-offs, but a main series installments, wich just plays different.
So, topic about Ratchet's desing turned into a discussion about what's spin-off and what's not - that's what I love about forums
Messages: 5964
I might not really have ment to be a spinoff, but in my eyes it sure is. The gameplay is the most important part of the game in the end and if that changes… its a complete different game.
So to me A4O and FFA are spinoffs.
I usually like the spinoffs better, but not in the Ratchet franchise.![]()
I'd rather agree with Ratchetruler on what's a spin-off. You forgot about Size Matters. It has the same gameplay, almost identical graphic style - and everyone calls it a spin-off. Insomniac Games (althrought changed gameplay style in 55%) didn't mean to make A4O, as well as FFA a spin-offs, but a main series installments, wich just plays different.
So, topic about Ratchet's desing turned into a discussion about what's spin-off and what's not - that's what I love about forums![]()
There are no mods to stop us
I really don't see SM as a spinoff and why would you? Because its a handheld game? Because it was made by a different companie? Happens all the time.
Just to clarify the people discussing about A4O and FFA being spin-offs, look at the Kingdom Hearts series, they have like 7 games and only 2 of them are not spin-offs, yet the spin-offs share the same story (and you actually have to play the spin-offs to fully understand the story of the first two games). So yeah, A4O and FFA ARE actually Spin-offs, as so is Secret Agent Clank and Size Matters (come on don't deny it, Japan was just stupid and put a 5 on the title).
Messages: 5964
Why would Size Matters be a spinoff then?
Why would Size Matters be a spinoff then?
It's more like a minigame, not connected to the main story. After all, Insomniac (since they are the only ones who can do that) haven't announced it's even canon. So yeah, I can agree that actually all mentioned games are spin-offs - SM, because it was a small PSP title to keep fans busy before ToD, SAC because it's in no way connected to R&C storyline and A4O/FFA because these are just experiments wich somehow got out of the labolatory
Messages: 3875
Why would Size Matters be a spinoff then?It's more like a minigame, not connected to the main story. After all, Insomniac (since they are the only ones who can do that) haven't announced it's even canon. So yeah, I can agree that actually all mentioned games are spin-offs - SM, because it was a small PSP title to keep fans busy before ToD, SAC because it's in no way connected to R&C storyline and A4O/FFA because these are just experiments wich somehow got out of the labolatory
I agree, it was a fun little game for everyone to play while waiting for Tools of Destruction, even know it's story got completely ignored. In not PS2 or PS3 Ratchet game was there ever any reference or mention of this adventure. It may or may not be a spin-off, just like Deadlocked.
There are no mods to stop us![]()
That really is not a good reason for us to be going off-topic. I recon we should try to get back on-topic… wait what was the topic again?
KIDDING! No but seriously, there really isn't much of a topic left, it's been answered a number of times