Thread: Worst VGM

99% of the time the music in video games is awesome! But there is this 1% chance that you will have to mute the TV until its over. Post the worst VGM you have heard here!

Final Fantas XIII-2 - Limit Break

XIII-2's music compared to XIII is instand crap. Techno instead of the beauty of orchestrated. But then comes this song that makes the rest of the soundtrack pretty okay. Techno and freaking horrible grunt. I hate grunting, why is it in a Final Fantasy game?!!!

Sonic The Hedgehog MD PAL - Bonus Stage

Listen to that until you got yourself the damned Chaos Emerald. I actually commited suicide most of the time.

Sonic Adventure 2 - Pumpkin Hill

This song represent not only itself, but the entire score of Knuckles soundtracks with this awfull slow rap. I hate rap…

*insert the entirety of Sonic 4-2's sountrack except White Park 2 and Metal Sonic here*

On the account of RaC, I hate Qwark fight on the Oltanis Orbit and both former Orxon soundtracks…
(No, I won't post links to this crap. Look it up <- )

I didn't like the music from inFamous. The game had only 2 good tracks, the opening track and the final boss music… infact those 2 were probably some of the best VGM I've ever heard.

The soundtrack to Sonic Chronicles. As must as I like the game itself, if it actually had music that sounded like any effort at all was put into it it could have been that much better.

As for Pumpkin Hill/Knuckles' raps, to each their own! I love them unironically.

I really want Sonic Chronicles because it was made by BioWare. Too bad for the soundtrack though..

Speaking of Sonic music though its interesting that there's plenty of it in both the Best and Worst VGM threads. Sonic music ranges a lot between really good and really bad it seems, haha.

True. In Sonic the music it either really bad or really good. Seems there is nothing in the middle.

I really want Sonic Chronicles because it was made by BioWare. Too bad for the soundtrack though..

Depends on your taste. Chronicles is VERY hit or miss and it was a miss for me, it just felt like they used the touchscreen too often and since the soundtrack is crap I can't turn my brain off and listen to it like I can in Sonic 06 and it's oh so good music. The most enjoyment I could get were the various conversations between characters. Top that all off with a cliffhanger ending that will never be solved and you've got a 4.5/10 in my book.

Cliffhanger endings that will never be solved? Very BioWare-like…

Cliffhanger endings that will never be solved? Very BioWare-like…

Not when they say "if you want to know what happens next, buy the second non-existent episode".

I see… guess things didn't work out the way they expected.

The entire track from Halo 3 ODST.I don't know why but I just thought the music was horrible,luckily though Halo Reach's soundtrack made up for that.

Hell Yeah! Wrath Of The Dead Rabbit - ZONE 8 Happy Cute Theme

This… this will be stuck in your head for the next 3 weeks. Aaaand… it's stuck in my head.
You aaaaaaare sexy buuuuuunnny…. X_X

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