that ending was….. Ugh
What do you mean by that? Because I can't think of a single thing wrong with it.
huh ?
I haven't seen the movie yet, so I tried to avoid looking at that post at all costs. All I noticed was 'Riley' and 'Memory' or something like that.
It's nice you tried to use the spoiler tags, but mistakes were made next time try to hit the "preview" button before posting
DinoBoo, I came here for the music, too. I was looking for the Eviscerator theme in Deadlocked and it was here I realized/realised (I should already check which one is correct) it's the same theme as the Tower of Power one. I lingered around here, reading fanfics, until I decided to make an account (twice). I remember trying to contact Kubak, yet because I crazily respected all the more prominent users, I wrote to him as if he were Dalai Lama or someone like that
(I seriously hope I haven't offended anyone with that)
Also, both Animovie and ankadewo have surpassed me in post number. Well, I guess that's what I get for not fully participating in the Word Chain threads