Messages: 185
As one of the poor souls who can't get their hands on this game just yet, I'd like to ask some questions to those of you who have experienced its greatness.
1. How is the game when it comes to stuff like gadgets and minigames? Do you think there's a lot of them or do you think there should've been more?
2. What are the trading cards all about?
3. How long is the game compared to other entries in the series?
4. I don't know if the answer to this is considered a spoiler or not, but is there an Insomniac Museum, and if so how is it compared to the previous ones?
5. What do you think of all the weapons in the game?
6. To those who have played the game and watched the movie, which one do you think is more enjoyable overall?
1. When it comes to gadgets and minigames, the game does fine. Minigames don't over stay their welcome when you encounter them. The Tresspasser puzzles on hard mode can be real head-scratchers, and, if you're like me, you won't want to Auto-Hack on principle.
2. Trading cards come in several varieties: Character, Weapon, and Points of Interest. You need to find 3 cards for each level you visit. Complete a set of 3 cards, and you get a goody. Location and PoI cards give you increased pick-up rates (bolts given increases by 5%, Raritanium by 5%). Weapon cards allow you to purchase the Omega variants in Challenge Mode. If you're having trouble finding certain cards, you can burn 5 duplicates for one new card of your choice.
3. It's easy to tell that the game was either rushed or on a tight budget at times, but the length of the game doesn't suffer for it. It's not as long as the original three games, but it's longer than Nexus. I guess the length is on par with the other games in the Future series? It took me a good 23 hours to Platinum the game.
4. There's an Insomniac Museum. There's plenty of cool stuff in there. Long story short,though, ACiT's Museum still reigns supreme when it comes to overall presentation.
5. The weapons are great. Proton Drum used with any other weapon is perfection. Personally, I don't like being given Grummelnet weapons again and being told they're Gadgetron, but what can you do? Hopefully they'll freshen up the arsenal for the next game. Mr. Zurkon will be bored, and he will tell you he is bored. Whether you care or not.
6. Six more days 'till I can answer that D: