Thread: R&C Fan-Fiction Thread

Tell me about it. writing the homecoming took me a year…

It does take a while. It takes another while to get validated around here, too!emoji

Deleted user

I just approved it for you, sorry for the long wait. It's because I get no notification about new chapters for fanfics and so I often dont even know there's any waiting emoji (I get notified for new fanart and the first chapter of a fanfiction though)

But yeah. Good fanfiction does take ages to write. Mine took almost 2 years to complete! But I did it out of fun and love though. I didn't care if not many fans would read it, although it is nice to get feedback… (I got lots of very good feedback on DeviantART, so I guess I shouldn't complain heh XD)
I'm not planning any new fics for a while. I'm gonna start 2 new comics instead; to try and challenge myself emoji

And so if you want your fic in the list, just let me know.

I just approved it for you, sorry for the long wait.

That's fine. And sorry about the double posting.

Edit: Just submitted chapter 4. Not a lot of people around here!

Deleted user

I still don't know how to post a fan-fiction here emoji. Can someone please tell me?

Well, um, here's mine if anyone's interested:

Author: Estherash94
Rated: PG-PG13
Theme: Action, Adventure, Humor, little Drama
Status: Unfinished
Description: To put simply, the Milky Way is discovered by Polaris, Solana, and Bogon explorers. Unfortunately, Nefarious has discovered it as well…and has some major plans.

Plz, tell me what you think and where I should improve if need be. emoji

And to post a fic, go up to your profile and click my fanfics. It should say 'create a fiction' somewhere on there. And that's all there is to it! emoji

Just submitted chapter 5!

Visit my fanstories on Fanfiction and FictionPress, please!
Just write on Google S.R.J.S. Fangirl from PL, and click on it if it's gonna be on the sites aboveemoji!
I'm waiting for your comments, thereemoji!!!!
Have a good time with reading it;o!!!!

Deleted user

I may have stopped WRITING The Retro Story, but I turned it into a comic. I noticed Tara had the same idea for her story. I guess great minds think alike! XD
Here it is, so far. I have yet to colour it and finish all the touch-ups, but here are the sketches.

At those sites, you can help me, Helloirina and tanasweet123 with our fanstories.
Very please, guys!!!!
We totally mean your help!!!!
I promise we'll be grateful;o!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See you there pretty soon;3!!!!!!!
] if I say stuff on here? I have a lot that I want to talk about.

I have written this fanfic when I was 15. It was not the first fanfic that I came up with. When I was 6, I would make up stories about some of my favorite fictional stories, such as Power Rangers. When I was 8, I began to build the foundation of my biggest fanfic story, The Ultimate Story. At age 9, I started writing my stories. I began typing after I turned 14. I didn't know that what I was coming up with was called fanfiction until I was in high school and part of a small social group with other girls like me. I was first introduced to I didn't post anything on that site till I was 24. But enough about all of that.

I began to fabricate my Ratchet and Clank fanfic around the same time that I was introduced to Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando. A little afterwards, I came up the idea to do a crossover story with Kim Possible for some reason. It was almost like my mind knew about what ideas would work well together before I did. That's the only explanation I could come up with.

The story itself was supposed to be a private story, but then my brother read it and I gave up on it. The story was sitting in my cabinet drawer for over 10 and I never thought that I would ever touch it again. But then, a few years back, I was dealing with a few problems in the family. They're not seriously bad issues, just stress inducing ones here and there: losing my uncle to cancer, my brother getting into a fight with my other uncle, seeing my nana in ways that I have never seen her before. Around that time, I brought myself to watch the Ratchet and Clank Future LPs. Sure enough, my mind doing what it does, took in all of these characters and used them as a way to cope with all of these difficulties in my life.

I was in a state of mind in which I didn't want to let go of these characters, so I pulled my fanfic that I have left untouched for all of those years and got back to writing it. It was actually a good time to get back to it considering that the LPs were extremely helpful and very much needed for writing my stories. I went on to finally finishing up my first story, then I wrote the second one, which was based off of Up Your Arsenal, then the next one that was based off of Tools of Destruction and then the one that I had just completed lastly, the story based off of A Crack in Time.

I am writing a 5th story that I have been coming up with from scratch. It's almost done, but it's so hard to finish it. Regardless, I will have it completed, eventually.

That's all for now. As you can obviously tell, I really did have a lot to say.