Weapons: Dual Lacerators

Dual Lacerators V4: Dual Vindicators


  • Ratchet's weapon
  • Available from: Boltaire Museum (found by Clank)
  • Price: free
  • Titan price: 400,000 bolts
Info: V1
  • Ammo: 80
  • Ammo per crate: 18
  • Ammo: 85 (+5)
  • Ammo per crate: 19 (+1)
  • Ammo: 90 (+5)
  • Ammo per crate: 20 (+1)
  • Ammo: 90 (+0)
  • Ammo per crate: 20 (+0)
  • Ammo: 90 (+0)
  • Ammo per crate: 20 (+0)
  • Ammo: 90 (+0)
  • Ammo per crate: 20 (+0)
  • Ammo: 90 (+0)
  • Ammo per crate: 20 (+0)
  • Ammo: 90 (+0)
  • Ammo per crate: 20 (+0)


  • Hunter (10,000Bolt): The Hunter Mod allows the Lacerators to enter a super-targeting mode as long as the firing trigger is held down that automatically tracks the current target.
  • Seeker (10,000Bolt): The Seeker Mod allows Lacerator shots that have struck an opponent to refract and target other nearby enemies.