Thread: Favourite Weapons in Ratchet and Clank

Tesla Claw,Suck Cannon,Visibomb and Pyrocitor

I really liked: The R.Y.N.O., the Pyrocitor, the Devastator, the Tesla Claw emoji emoji they're the BEST!!!!!

Tesla Claw, Glove of Doom, Visibomb Gun.

Its really hard for me to choose, as i usually use weapons by combination. Not to mention every single one is unique and fun emoji

Ill have to go with the Mini Nuke from Going Commando. Its even stronger than the ryno emoji

RIP YOU A NEW ONE!!!!!!!! emoji

I really like the devastator, the RYNO, umm… the pyrocitor… that's all!! emoji

The best wepone would have to be the bouncer

I'd say the r.y.n.o. & devastater.

I'm new here so can i have a little help?

I'd say the r.y.n.o. & devastater.

I'm new here so can i have a little help?

Ah Welcome Ratchet 12!

something you should remeber is to avoid trouble only write one reply at a time…. and if you need to add something use the edit function!And i saw you are french… hy don't you use the french version of the site???

hmm tricky decision lol. alot of good weps in the first game. my favs (not in order) are devastator,visabomb,wrench,morphoray and the taunter (gotta love stupid guards and rayshields lol) the blaster would of been on if it was a little asier to aim.

hmmmm… tough one but if i had to pick my favorite It'd be a tie between the miniturret glove and the rift ripper .

My favorite weapons:
1) Tesla Claw
2) R.Y.N.O
3) Pyrocitor
4) Glove Of Doom
5) Blaster


I would have to say the devastator because I always found myself using it but the R.Y.N.O. Has always been a favorite but I always thought of it as overkill