disturbing….cannibal protopet XD and im pretty sure rapid breeding was due to hormonal explosion and asexuality which hormonal explosions happen in rage. and ofc angela fixs the protopets therefore i believe rapid breeding will not occur in a protopet. therefore i would love one of the lil fuzzballs provided i didnt know about their violent beginnings.
Hmm…Not, I don't want the one of these little beasts.
When I look at the protopets while playing or watching the cutscenes, I say to myself(inside my head) ''Hmm…I think that the Chao can be the better pets than the fearsome protopets". Weird, huh?
Maybe these pets look cute in CG, but let's don't forget about their evil personality inside.
Don't you think the same, too?
I'm waiting patiently for the questions and answers of yours;D!!!!
I'd like to talk with about everything;3!!!!
Deleted user

Hmm…Not, I don't want the one of these little beasts.
When I look at the protopets while playing or watching the cutscenes, I say to myself(inside my head) ''Hmm…I think that the Chao can be the better pets than the fearsome protopets". Weird, huh?
Maybe these pets look cute in CG, but let's don't forget about their evil personality inside.
Don't you think the same, too?
With your mention of the Chao I now think that a ProtoPet Garden would be interesting
Deleted user

xD that would be an embarrasing death to be killed by a plush toy
Deleted user

A protopet would be epic to have xD

6 minutes...
Messages: 192
Yes! I would love a protopet, then when the neighbours kids come in to the garden to get all the footballs they kicked in they would find the protopet ate the football…and if they stayed too long the protopet would probably eat them too!
Win-Win! Joking of course!

Pay Respects
Messages: 1638
Quite yes… the new one
I know, it's off-topic, but why are there some much people that aren't active anymore… We have more then 7200 members (French community included) but on the English forum, we only have 5-10 active people…
Who wouldn't want their own fur-ball of destruction.
Now officially addicted to League of Legends.
Send help.

Bring it on, buddy!
Messages: 11
I would say no. Firstly, I would have a cat so unless the proto pet is all hypnotyzed, it might try to eat the kitty. Even though it might be real adorable and cute, if it wants to sleep on me I might accidently squish it . I consider them as blue pufflesin terms of looks, but the fact that it reproduces a lot anddoesn't seem fun to play with ( c'mon, a furball for a body with no handsor legs? How am i gonna get it to not eat the ball i throw him!?
I like hockey, video games, cats, and books. That makes me a boss right?
I would say no. Firstly, I would have a cat so unless the proto pet is all hypnotyzed, it might try to eat the kitty. Even though it might be real adorable and cute, if it wants to sleep on me I might accidently squish it. I consider them as blue pufflesin terms of looks, but the fact that it reproduces a lot anddoesn't seem fun to play with ( c'mon, a furball for a body with no handsor legs? How am i gonna get it to not eat the ball i throw him!?
Perhaps you could sit your kitty and protopet down and try your very best to introduce them to each other.